US Vegan Student from Germany

Sara Fletcher

Apr 6, 2023
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Seeking an American vegan family to host Pauline from Germany 🇩🇪 next school year! Pauline is a gentle and sweet young woman who would make a lovely addition to your family
Here's what Pauline has to say: "I would describe myself as an honest and nice person. I always try to help when I see that someone needs help. Also, I always try to do justice to other people. My hobbies are very diverse. I really like sports (especially badminton), bullet journaling, reading, but also creative things like puzzles or painting by numbers. I also like to go for a walk when the weather is good and nice. What I look forward to most in the exchange is experiencing something new, going out of my comfort zone, and meeting new people. I am also very excited about the new everyday life and the new school, especially the subjects and sports. I'm really looking forward to traveling to a foreign country and getting to know the new culture there, while also introducing my host family to my culture."
Interested? Please visit or reach out to me directly via email at --> When you host, your own teenager qualifies for a scholarship to go to Germany for 3 weeks in Summer 2024!! <--