Veterinary student.


May 2, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hi guys. So, Im a veterinary student, credits and exams are coming up and everybody is stressed. I am really struggling now, because it feels so stupid and worthless to sit and study and learn how to impregnate a cow, when to separate the baby from its mother, the best conditions for pig meant for high-fat whatever ******** to make bacon.. The reason I wanted to go to vet school was of course to learn how to be able to help animals in the best way possible, and I understand that in the long run this education will help me do that. But the journey there is draining me. We visit the school farm, to look at the dairy cows and learn about their nutrition, what to feed high lactating cows, and how to prepare them for insemination, how to make them produce even more milk etc. The people in my class, and my school, they're smart people. But I know only two others who are vegan. Two. From my whole school. Not that I know everybody, thats for sure. But I dont understand how everyone can visit the farms and be all about the cute little baby cows and then go home and eat pizza while studying how to inseminate for example. Just learning about all of the diseases an animal can catch makes me disgusted by the thought of eating anything coming from animal origin.
I dont know where Im going with this. Im just having a really hard time right now, the stress of exams makes my thoughts spin...
I can't begin to understand how you must be feeling :( these methods sound awful and j can't believe that they have become the 'norm' of today. If you really are uncomfortable then it may be helpful to talk to your parents about whether this is the right course, but all your worries sound valid.
You may be able to find some volunteering doing the helping which you'd like to do, which may be for people who are vegan also, the internet is a good way to find their things (though I know it has its faults also!)
Hope that this helps
If you need to talk anytime, just message and I'll answer ASAP.
Keep studying though, for in the long run you will 'be able to help animals in the best way possible'.
Take care.