Voters are stupid

I think that kind of opinion, that voters are stupid, is common among many people, elitist or otherwise, but certainly among the elite.

Some folks are more articulate than others, but these so-called stupid voters can be articulate, though they may not express themselves in a language that these elitist types prefer.
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It would be stupid to vote for people who think you're stupid.

So if the elected think that voters are stupid then the elected must be right.

On the other hand ...

Buddha said "the fool who knows he is a fool is a wiser man for that"

That would mean that when fools who know they are fools vote for people who know that they're fools then they're actually being quite bright.
I think votes should be cast on leaves, in put a cross on a brown leave and stick it in the ballot box. You can put as many leaves in as you like, or have room in your trousers for....and then a supercomputer chooses one of the BeeGees at random to be the Pope...Democracy in action!
I'm one of those elitists who don't have a high opinion of the average voter's political insights. (Nor do I have I high opinion of the way representative democracy works in most countries.)

I don't think that necessarily makes me a bad human being.
Usually this sort of commentary is kept among polite company.....but I guess in this case its being used as anti-Obama propaganda. People will forget about it shortly.
It's easier to call someone stupid when they don't agree with you then to think you might be wrong.

You and they being used collectively in this case.
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people may not be stupid, but most people(me included) are fairly uninformed about what goes on in politics etc......people maybe shouldn't have the vote if they are not in a position to make an informed decision.
people may not be stupid, but most people(me included) are fairly uninformed about what goes on in politics etc......
Exactly! (Well, I don't know if you specifically are so unimformed!)

people maybe shouldn't have the vote if they are not in a position to make an informed decision.
There is a lot of truth to this, I think. The problem with this is that many of the issues are incredibly complex, and the various political parties' stances on the issues also not straightforward.
Exactly! (Well, I don't know if you specifically are so unimformed!)

There is a lot of truth to this, I think. The problem with this is that many of the issues are incredibly complex, and the various political parties' stances on the issues also not straightforward.

Being informed is not necessarily the panacea you may think it is, as there is A LOT of misinformation out there from numerous sources, so ultimately you end up believing the source that fits your political views.
yes, to have a real democracy, there needs to be accurate information from as unbiased sources as possible. At the moment the media, on the whole, is dependent on corporate and political interests. Being informed(ie with real information) is more rare at the moment.
As I look at what most people think, eat, do, the suggestion that on average, people tend to be stupid, does have its merits.
The notion that voters (who are people) are stupid also explains some of the political situations in many countries.

Let's face it, that is the reason why WE VEGANS are the minority today.

Best regards,