What Are Your Plans for Your XP Machine?


Forum Legend
Jun 4, 2012
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I have a desktop running XP that is currently disconnected from the internet.

I need to run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor, downloadable here:


I am tempted to want to try to set it up as dual boot, or even triple boot (including Linux).

I have another XP machine that is really screwed up. I guess I need to see whether this is upgradable too.

What are you planning to do with any XP machines you may own?
1. Upgrade to Win 7 on my laptop. It's 4 years old, but I can't afford to replace it right now.

2. Before the April 8 deadline, I want to get some stuff off my old desktop unit, if possible, and then remove as much personal stuff as possible from it. Then I'll unplug it and either take it to the city recycling center or donate it to a company that recycles electronics.
I have a desktop with XP and a laptop with Windows 7. I use both of them daily for multiple things. I can't afford a new PC or the upgrade. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. This sucks.
I only have a desktop with XP and my iPhone. Wah! What's happening April 8? I live under a rock, apparently. :(
My son wiped it clean and installed Linux (mint). Works great. He tried the dual boot, but Windows was being a pain, so he just made it a Linux only.
Yes, I still have an XP partition on my little notebook computer which I've never used. I guess now is a good time to claim all the space for Linux :)

If anyone here is thinking about installing Linux when XP is no longer supported, I'm happy to help.
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I'm pretty sure my computer is too old to even upgrade. I know I couldn't upgrade IE at one point because my computer couldn't handle it. Not sure if one has to do with the other, though.
I thought Linux was harder to use than Windows 8 :p And it didn't run everything I wanted.
Was never comfortable with my Linux laptop (rip)
I didn't like having to learn how to run Toontown with Wine when all I had to do on a Windows computer was install it.
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I thought Linux was harder to use than Windows 8 :p And it didn't run everything I wanted.
Was never comfortable with my Linux laptop (rip)
Obviously, it's different from Windows, and it takes a little time & effort to adapt to a completely new system. Which distro did you have?
I didn't like having to learn how to run Toontown with Wine when all I had to do on a Windows computer was install it.
It's generally not the easiest thing in the world to install and run Windows games on a completely different OS. The fact that it worked at all (?) is a small miracle, in my book.
Obviously, it's different from Windows, and it takes a little time & effort to adapt to a completely new system. Which distro did you have?

It's generally not the easiest thing in the world to install and run Windows games on a completely different OS. The fact that it worked at all (?) is a small miracle, in my book.
Had Ubuntu for a few months. I did make an effort - especially when it was the only computer I had, got a few programs to work on it but it was frustrating.
Had Ubuntu for a few months. I did make an effort - especially when it was the only computer I had, got a few programs to work on it but it was frustrating.
In my experience, unless you want to run Windows games or a client for the calendar on MS Exchange, switching from Windows to Linux is not so hard these days (provided that you choose a good distro).
In my experience, unless you want to run Windows games or a client for the calendar on MS Exchange, switching from Windows to Linux is not so hard these days (provided that you choose a good distro).
So it's not hard if you just want to surf the internet, Skype and watch Netflix :p I kind of want a computer for that purpose, so my laptop can take a break now and then and maybe live longer. Linux seems to be a good choice for old or slow computers, too.
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I have an old old laptop with XP that I never use. I was going to donate it but now I am not sure what to do with it. I gave my son an older Dell desktop with XP which they have never really used. I already know I cannot upgrade it to Windows 7 so I don't know what to do with THAT one either. :/ Perhaps I will see if Sean will want to try Linux on that Dell.
I ran the "Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor" on my non-profit's office computer, now running XP.

Part of the report said at the bottom:

Windows XP Mode is an optional feature available in Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate that has extra system requirements.
Visit the Windows XP Mode website for more information

So now I'm even more confused. Do I want to run a version of Windows 7 that has XP Mode, to insure my programs that run under XP will still work?

BTW, the link to the XP Mode website is:
