Psychology What do animals see in a mirror?

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
The idea for a tool to probe the basis of consciousness came to Gordon G. Gallup, Jr. while shaving. “It just occurred to me,” he says, “wouldn’t it be interesting to see if other creatures could recognize themselves in mirrors?”
It's interesting that puppies bark at their reflection for some time and then it's like they realize that the dog in the mirror is "not real". Like a human baby that has to learn that that person in the mirror is "not real".

I wonder if the dog realizes "this is me" or if the dog just realizes that this dog in the mirror is "not real".
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I've read articles based on Gallup's research. but I had no idea that it was just one guy doing most of the legwork. And the stuff about his son being his foil was real interesting.

BTW, just the other day I was walking down the street and a little bird was preening in a car's side view mirror.
when I was a kid I had a parakeet and it would preen in the mirror ALL the time. I always assumed he knew it was himslelf and he was his number one fan.
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I think animals do recognize themselves in a mirror. I tried to do the cat filter thing with Yang and Pacino, but both of them showed no interest in my phone. :joy: