Nutrition & Diet Why Are Omega 3 Fats Important!


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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
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We all need some fat in our diets, including the essential omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). We have to consume ALA because our bodies cannot make this nutrient. It is used to make long-chain omega-3 fats, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega-3 fats have an important role in supporting eye health, skin health, our immune system, and brain and nerve development.

I do take a supplement, and add Flax seed to my oatmeal, and consume some nuts each day....
I do the same with flaxseed, and I also add it to smoothies. I put walnuts in my oatmeal as well, and I try to eat a handful a few times a week. They are good in salads, too.
One thing that might be a concern is that there are different types of Omega 3. Mostly we consume ALA. Our bodies can convert ALA to DHA and EPA but our bodies does that slowly and not as well as we get older.
I think my DHA/EPA supplement is the most expensive supplement I take.

I was surprised and disappointed that the article only spoke to ALA. but in its defense I think the evidence of benefits for DHA and EPA supplementation are a little thin.
I also have a Tblsp of ground flax daily and take an algae DHA/EPA cap a day
The research I've read is that while getting proper omega 3-6-9 proportions in theory should be converted to DHA/EPA individual ability vary a lot. Personally it's the one supplement that I truly feel makes a difference. I started years before I found Dr Greger on a whim and found I could focus better, and a longer attention span. I certainly played a lot with stopping and starting to prove it, and have since stuck with them
Apparently the algae is all from the same place in all the different brands. I've tried many different ones!
If you have Costco they have Ovega-3 at a super price, or just check amazon as prices change a lot

Fish and algae are the only food sources of DHA
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I keep forgetting I have the capsules in the fridge! I will take one now,. I did buy flax recently.
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