Why This Cattle Rancher Went Vegan!

Bite Size Vegan

Vegan Fruit-Ninja
Jun 11, 2014
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If you think small farms are different, if you don’t believe the vegan “hype” about animal rights, hear why this cattle rancher changed her ways, went vegan, and started a one-woman revolution for change form within the heart of the animal agriculture industry. After watching the baby cows be taken from her husband’s farm one too many times Renee King-Sonnen put her foot down and changed their lives forever, creating a farm sanctuary and safe haven. This is her story.
Rescue does not include the purchase of cows you already own that you hold for ransom with a death threat if a monetary demand is not met. Sanctuaries, as a general rule, do not purchase cows or any animal and instead rescue animals that truly need saving. Big thumbs down BSV. :down:
Furthermore, there are genuine rescues and farm sanctuaries just at or below the level of sustainability that are and have been doing great work with animals for YEARS. And they don't pimp themselves out with kickstarter campaigns to have donors pay them for something they already own. Where is their recognition? Why are we obsessed by these high profile and celebrity vegan 'conversions' and transformations when they so often go right back to the dark side with their hollow excuses? We ought to be a might more skeptical before heaping on praise and financial support.

This story does not pass the sniff test. Just think for a minute about how this played out: 'We own these animals that are going to be slaughtered - but if you pay us enough - we'll start a farm sanctuary instead." Their bottom line is the key factor here.They aren't going to go belly up just to save some cows. They are going to hold them for ransom - and when their donors can't keep them out of the red they are going to turn those animals into profit - alive or dead. This story lacks authenticity and I will not support it. There are far too many legitimate rescue operations in need of support. I won't be spoon-fed this INCREDIBLE TRANSFORMATION sensationalism. The fact that a large part of the vegan community has jumped on this bandwagon without asking these very same questions and thinking this through is a little alarming. Her husband is 75% vegan? Um - that's what most vegans consider a non-vegan.
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