WWII Veteran Dies Alone-100s to Attend Funeral


Staff member
Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
  1. Other
I read about this story, It's sad that so many people, especially older people, lead such isolated lives.
It's a well meaning symbol. But maybe instead if people spent an hour at a care home, or with lonely neighbours, or their own elderly relatives, it would be just as good a tribute and do a lot more good.

It's sad that so many elderly people are lonely, and find it difficult to get out due to mobility/etc, whether they fought in a war or not :(
It's a well meaning symbol. But maybe instead if people spent an hour at a care home, or with lonely neighbours, or their own elderly relatives, it would be just as good a tribute and do a lot more good.

It's sad that so many elderly people are lonely, and find it difficult to get out due to mobility/etc, whether they fought in a war or not :(

I agree and it would make all the difference to so many lonely elderly folk. There is an elderly neighbour in my residence and I always call on her and ask her if she needs something. I have also left her my phone number in case of an emergency.

Anyway, Harold had a state like farewell and 2000 people turned up to say good bye.
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He's a World War II vet - he could have outlived his community.

Those guys are getting pretty old.
Ya' know that old trees just grow stronger,
And old rivers grow wilder ev'ry day.
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there, hello.' ---john Prine

I'll be... I thought that was originally sung by John Baez. I learned something today.
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