Zoo Kills 'Unwanted' Giraffe


Forum Legend
Jun 4, 2012
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  1. Vegan
Zoos are just plain evil. :(

If they are going to purposely breed their animals, they should be required to care for any offspring produced for life. And not be able to just kill them at will if they aren't deemed good enough.

A zoo in Denmark killed a young giraffe with a bolt gun and fed its meat to the lions Sunday, saying the animal was “unwanted.”

Copenhagen Zoo said 18-month-old Marius had been euthanized the giraffe to avoid in-breeding

“When breeding success increases it is sometimes necessary to euthanize,” the Scientific Director Bengt Holst said on the zoo's website, acknowledging the decision has led to a “debate...

Zoo Kills 'Unwanted' Giraffe Marius, Feeds Carcass To Lions.
Sadly, it's also fairly common for zoos to sell their "excess stock" off for use in canned "big game" hunts.
This is completely fucked up. First they call a bolt gun to the head "euthanasia" and then they butcher the poor creature in front of little children! I'm appalled.
This article gives more reasons why they killed the giraffe, none of them good. It sounds like they are continuing to allow them to breed, and obviously the resulting babies will be killed. I hope they lose enough visitors that they have to close.

I'm all for science and learning, but letting children watch him being killed and then cut apart seems like it would teach lack of compassion. I recently saw pictures of children in Denmark watching whales being killed and then sitting on the backs of the dead whales, the ground covered in blood.

I'm all for science and learning, but letting children watch him being killed and then cut apart seems like it would teach lack of compassion.

Lack of compassion is something that omnis have to teach their kiddies somehow, Callie.

Not with anything the kiddies are going to make a direct connection to their own food with though.

Only safe to do that once the disconnect is already strong enough or under very close omni-adult supervision.
To be honest, what is different about killing a surplus giraffe to feed to a lion, versus killing surplus male chickens in the egg industry to be ground up alive and discarded or made to animal feed? I bet most of the non-veg*n folks in society fail to see the parallels here.
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To be honest, what is different about killing a surplus giraffe to feed to a lion, versus killing surplus male chickens in the egg industry to be ground up alive and discarded or made to animal feed? I bet most of the non-veg*n folks in society fail to see the parallels here.

The difference is that the necessity of the Lions eating meat and the fact that giraffes would be natural prey are genuine.

I think it's the false parallel/equivalency/wotchamaycallit, that lions need to eat meat therefore so do we, that the omnis are keen to drum into small minds here.
Wandering a bit off topic ...

I'm hypersensitive to omni-'education' tactics with children.

My own 'childish' compassion towards animals (in food context) was bullied out of me by omni adults.

My three veggie from birth kiddies all experienced bullying tactics from omni adults.

Almost countless kiddies have passed through my house inspired to become veg*ans.

100% of those whom I ever heard back from all told stories of how their omni parents had swiftly 'clamped down' on "that kind of nonsense".
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To be honest, what is different about killing a surplus giraffe to feed to a lion, versus killing surplus male chickens in the egg industry to be ground up alive and discarded or made to animal feed? I bet most of the non-veg*n folks in society fail to see the parallels here.
The biggest difference is that zoos claim to be doing this for conservation of the species. Factory farms aren't pretending to kill for the good of the animal.

Wandering a bit off topic ...
I'm hypersensitive to omni-'education' tactics with children.
My own 'childish' compassion towards animals (in food context) was bullied out of me by omni adults.
My three veggie from birth kiddies all experienced bullying tactics from omni adults.
Almost countless kiddies have passed through my house inspired to become veg*ans.
100% of those whom I ever heard back from all told stories of how their omni parents had swiftly 'clamped down' on "that kind of nonsense".

I always heard how I was depriving my daughter by not feeding her meat. When she was little, relatives would occasionally take her along for errands, which turned out to be trips to stuff the poor deprived girl with hotdogs. She always ended up with horrible stomach aches. It backfired on them when she came to associate hotdogs with pain. :p
I only went to one zoo in my life in chicagoland , when I went there I didn't see anything bad happening however, I hardly go to zoo's now, with the internet and books children cane get books to read about their favorite animals.. This is heartbreaking.
Well, if they really wanted to teach visitors all about nature, why did they kill the giraffe and chop it up for the lions? Lions are wild animals, too. They have to hunt. They could have just sent the live giraffe into the lions' enclosure and let them attack and kill it, like they would in the wild. But maybe that's a little too shocking for some people.
I wish the zoo had just sterilized the giraffe if they didn't want him to breed. I suppose Marius died an easier death than many animals on the Serengeti (animals as big as he was often die hard), and no harder than an animal in a slaughterhouse, but if the zoo cares about the animals on their property they should treat them a lot better than this.