My Cat Passed Away


Forum Legend
Jul 4, 2019
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Queensland, Australia
  1. Vegetarian
Hi all,

Last night my dear baby boy Halo passed away suddenly, and I am struggling to understand why. He was an older cat - we are not exactly sure of his age as we rescued him. But an approximation would be about 15 years of age.

He was an indoor cat, except for supervised visits to the back yard, and he had not been outside at all this week.

When I got home yesterday, he seemed in a good mood, ate his dinner and curled up on the couch while I watched TV. After watching TV, I filled up their biscuits and he had a few, and went back to the couch. I went and had a shower. After my shower, I came downstairs, picked him up and carried him up to bed. When I placed him on the bed, he could not stand up. I picked him up and put him on the floor, and he stumbled and feel over. He then proceeded to have incontinence and he yowled. I picked him up and carried him into the bathroom and laid him on the floor, where he proceeded to have more incontinence, was in obvious pain, gasping for air and could not stand up. I called my parnter, who called our friend who is a vet, but by the time he got there, our cat had passed away. From the moment I brought him upstairs until he passed, was about 15 minutes.

The vet thinks it may have been a neurological problem as he lost control of his motor function and continence. I am trying to find answers but I just don't know.

I miss him so much. This was so sudden, and unexpected. My other cat ate the same food, and he is not sick. I just don't understand.

The whole thing was so traumatizing.
Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your buddy! It sounds like a great happy life with you, and a quick ending. Thankfully he did not suffer long. Hugs sent from the Pacific coast
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It's scary how fast and unexpectedly we can lose a loved one. It must be hard having it come out of nowhere like that but it sounds like Halo had good quality of life right up till the end, I'm glad he didn't suffer.

My cats are 8 years old now (one of them happens to be named Halo too) and I know they could develop a major health issue or suddenly pass at any time. I hope they're able to avoid suffering too even if the suddenness makes it harder for me.
I am so sorry to hear about your kitty passing.

Cats are subject to sudden medical problems, like heart attacks or strokes, just as humans are. A few years ago, we were looking after a pair of semi-feral barn cats for friends who were moving. They were both in good health as far as we could tell. One day, one of them went missing. Our neighbour found her body a few days later in the woods. There was nothing to indicate any problem: no wounds, no broken bones, her weight appeared normal. It was like she just went to sleep and didn't wake up. Our vet said it was most likely a heart attack.

It sounds like Halo didn't suffer for long. Here's a big virtual hug for you: ((((HUG))))
I am also sincerely sorry to hear about your loss. For many of us our pets are like family. I lost my cat a few years ago at the ripe old age of 20 and it was still devastating for me, despite his long life. Take time to grieve.

Virtual hugs from me as well (((Hug)))

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Oh my gosh, how awful for you. I’m so so sorry. It’s never easy, but when it’s so sudden like that it makes it very hard. My condolences.
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Thank you everyone for your kind words of support. Yesterday was really difficult. I have created a picture album of him, which I like to look at to help remove the images of his death from my mind. "They" say that it will get easier each day. I hope so, because this emotional pain is so awful.

Our other cat Moby has not left my side. He watched the whole traumatizing process of Halo's death. I do see him looking for Halo. I am giving him extra pats and cuddles, as I am sure cats experience depression and grief as well.

Our vet is getting us a pamphlet from the crematorium, and I would like to receive Halo's remains back in a special way - perhaps a little urn. I think this will help me with acceptance that he is gone, and not coming back. I'm really struggling with that right now.
Thank you everyone for your kind words of support. Yesterday was really difficult. I have created a picture album of him, which I like to look at to help remove the images of his death from my mind. "They" say that it will get easier each day. I hope so, because this emotional pain is so awful.

Our other cat Moby has not left my side. He watched the whole traumatizing process of Halo's death. I do see him looking for Halo. I am giving him extra pats and cuddles, as I am sure cats experience depression and grief as well.

Our vet is getting us a pamphlet from the crematorium, and I would like to receive Halo's remains back in a special way - perhaps a little urn. I think this will help me with acceptance that he is gone, and not coming back. I'm really struggling with that right now.
I lost my Bratt unexpectedly two weeks ago. It’s very hard. You will have good days and bad days. You will get to a point where you think you are ok and handling it well, and then something will trigger a memory and you will grieve all over again. At least that has been my experience the last two weeks. I can’t believe he’s gone. And my Joon is absolutely acting like she’s missing him. She, too, has been more needy than usual, having to be near me every minute, regardless of what I’m doing. Sometimes when I’m busy around the house, she will cry and cry until I go sit on the couch…she will jump up and lie next to me and then I have to wait until she falls asleep before I can quietly get up and go back to what I was doing.
Again, I’m so so sorry. You and Moby will need to comfort each other. 💔😢
I lost my Bratt unexpectedly two weeks ago. It’s very hard. You will have good days and bad days. You will get to a point where you think you are ok and handling it well, and then something will trigger a memory and you will grieve all over again. At least that has been my experience the last two weeks. I can’t believe he’s gone. And my Joon is absolutely acting like she’s missing him. She, too, has been more needy than usual, having to be near me every minute, regardless of what I’m doing. Sometimes when I’m busy around the house, she will cry and cry until I go sit on the couch…she will jump up and lie next to me and then I have to wait until she falls asleep before I can quietly get up and go back to what I was doing.
Again, I’m so so sorry. You and Moby will need to comfort each other. 💔😢
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me, and I am so sorry also to hear you lost your Bratt unexpectedly.
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I'm so sorry about your loss, @HappyRoxy . I've had similar experiences with 3 of my cats and 2 of my rabbits. I really doubt you could have done anything to prevent what happened, but it's hard to deal with even so...
I am so sorry to hear you have experienced this several times. It’s just heartbreaking.
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Thank you. But I knew I forgot to mention something...

Some animals are behaviorally inclined to avoid showing outward signs of illness. Cats and rabbits are notorious for this. Animal behaviorists often believe that they do this to avoid showing weakness, which might attract predators looking for an easy meal. I don't know if this applies to cats, since they are themselves predators... but I suppose they're small enough that they could be preyed upon too. I understand how this behavior evolved- but it sometimes makes things harder for us, their caretakers!
Thank you. But I knew I forgot to mention something...

Some animals are behaviorally inclined to avoid showing outward signs of illness. Cats and rabbits are notorious for this. Animal behaviorists often believe that they do this to avoid showing weakness, which might attract predators looking for an easy meal. I don't know if this applies to cats, since they are themselves predators... but I suppose they're small enough that they could be preyed upon too. I understand how this behavior evolved- but it sometimes makes things harder for us, their caretakers!
I had wondered about this, as he was not the alpha male in our house. Perhaps he kept it to himself that he wasn’t feeling well so that his adopted brother would not pick on him and his weakness.
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