
  1. B

    Advice on Transitioning

    Hey guys. I was curious, I am planning to give being a vegan a go for a few weeks at a time to introduce myself to a new healthy lifestyle. There are just a few things I'm unsure about and i was wondering if anyone could advise me... Currently I work two jobs, and have a little money to spare...
  2. HealthRoom

    Media How to Get All the (Supposed) Benefits of Eating Meat On a Vegan Diet

    Hi guys, Hope it's okay to share this here. I'm a vegan blogger and I recently put together an in-depth guide to getting all the potentially beneficial compounds found in meat (from a health perspective) on a vegan diet. If you've ever had any nagging doubts that you'll be missing out on some...
  3. W

    Feminine changes and veganism

    So, this thread will possibly end up being a little personal if others respond to it. I don't mind that - there are so many conflicting anecdotes about what to expect, as a woman at different stages of life, when going vegan. It occurred to me that since it is also quite an emotional topic we...