vegan 4 life

  1. E

    Question What to eat when I hate all the foods?

    If you have any advice for me please... I have been a vegetarian 10 years, vegan 3 years and I hate taste of almost all the foods (not just vegan but any food and drinks, I do supplement though). I cant get over the fact that even vegan food is poisonus, full of chemicals and with fake...
  2. PsychstudentLex

    Help needed for research

    Hi guys, I’m part of a team of psychology students, we are looking to scientifically understand how dietary choices and social attitudes are related. It would be greatly appreciated if you could spare no longer than 10 minutes of your time to fill out a short survey by clicking the link...
  3. V

    Vegan mask?

    Hey! I was searching for a cool vegan mask for a while and.. I found it on redbubble. Just decided to share it with you, no need to buy it but it looks amazing.
  4. BoomerandJen

    Vegan Organic Clothing and Accessories

    Hello fellow vegan and vegetarian friends, My names Jen and I Started a Vegan and Organic clothing shop online 2 year ago called Boomer and Jen. All of our products are ethically sourced and environmentally friendly. We sell a great range of jumper, hoodies, T-shirts, joggers and accessories...
  5. N

    Why you should go vegan

    Why you should go vegan | Why are people attracted to vegetarians? Some just want to live a long, healthy life. Others have made changes to protect the earth's natural resources or animals from love and the moral opposition to eating them. Thanks to the abundant scientific research that...
  6. M

    veganfood PaleoHacks Cookbook

    Yes, the recipes in this book are universally healthy and whether you’re a stay-at-home Mom, an elite athlete or a busy exectutive. This is just one reason why so many people from all walks of life are turning to the Paleo diet because it produces results without the oppressive, tasteless foods...
  7. Queen of Strawberries

    Veganism is triggering a replapse?

    I'm Vegan (well, technically vegetarian right now - but that's a long story) for the animals and I don't EVER EVER EVER want to give it up. but I've been doing some research and I just found out about bone char in sugar, and how many of the foods I was going to consume (AKA candy for a...
  8. Queen of Strawberries

    2 major breakthroughs with my (non-vegan)parents!!!

    Please don't bash me for not being Vegan yet BUT TODAY MY PARENTS SAID THEY WOULD LET ME GO VEGETARIAN!!! I used to have an eating disorder so my parents are being SUPER cautious about letting me take foods out of my diet (which I understand). they also told me when I first brought Veganism up...
  9. R

    Would it be healthy to just eat organic fruits, vegetables, beans, tofu and rice?

    Hi , I was watching a Freelee video. I remembered a comment that said that Freelee only ate fruit (which isn’t true, if I’m right). I would like to lose some weight. My weakness is chocolate and sweet things. I love chocolate and sweet stuff. Thank you .
  10. P

    Meat apocalypsis

    Hey, I became vegan 3 months ago, I had a hard time with the transformation but Every day is easier. To harden my mind, I decided to research about the meat and what comes with its production. I discovered a lot of things. My University asked me to do some blogs about anything I was interested...
  11. R

    Please sign and share my petition about cat and dog meat

    Hi, Please sign and share my petition. There is no graphic imagery directly attached to this petition, but there may be graphic information and/or links/images relating to animal cruelty, human rights abuses (including rape, sexual assault/harassment and women's rights issues) and/or...