8 Health Benefits - Peanut Butter

''Best Peanut Butter to Buy:
Read the label. Natural, old-fashioned organic peanut butter with no hydrogenated fats and sugar is the best. Choose peanut butter that contains only peanuts and salt. This kind is full of peanut flavor and doesn’t contain additives and is better for the environment too. Refrigerate it and turn it upside down in the fridge so the peanut oils and solids can re-mix.''

I always buy PB without salt, sugar and added fat.
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I always buy peanut butter with sugar and salt lol.
That’s actually not true anymore. I was trying to be funny. I usually have pbj so the jelly adds enough sweetness that I don’t need the PB to have sugar anymore.
Don't try, you are indeed very funny. :p
It’s my life’s goal, lol.

I often tell my kids I want them to have funny stories to tell about me after I’m gone. :D