Clueless Git
Plant powered
Now a tablet for the technologically challenged, that makes sense.
And it should be pink.
Now a tablet for the technologically challenged, that makes sense.
My son was full of jokes when I told him about the pink tablet. He brought up the Shii.I've got the basis of all sorts of bad jokes coming to mind, such as the ability to download a laundry app or something.
You can't have one unless you have a sex change operation first....I kinda want one too.
You can't have one unless you have a sex change operation first.
You can't have one unless you have a sex change operation first.
So you mean that I can have both?
That's, like, totally sick!
no one's made a joke about the built in sex toy function, and app?
If my two-year stint at Radio Shack is any indication, the technology-challenged is not limited to "older women" -- It's an all-encompassing club that includes people of all ages and genders.
But then how will she do yoga?
You just put it on vibrate and call yourself.