Vegan All Things Pumpkin

Doing my butterbeer cupcakes for Thanksgiving - which are a really mild pumpkin cake with butterscotch frosting.
Does that have beer? I'd love the recipe! Esp. butterscotch frosting?
Does that have beer? I'd love the recipe! Esp. butterscotch frosting?
No beer. It's based on a drink from Harry Potter, which has been described as a less sickly butterscotch and was paired with ginger.
I'll second that.May we have the recipe for both.
Here it is, guys! :)

I subbed my gluten free flour mix and it worked perfectly.
I bookmarked you. :D
And bump bump!
Very nice blog!
At Whole Foods today they had some HUGE pumpkins for $150!. I don't know how anyone could even lift them to get one in a truck. I should have snapped a picture.

:eek: I don 't know how anyone could afford to pay $150 for a pumpkin! They would have to be really, really into Halloween and decorating to spend that much on a huge pumpkin.

I know! There were 4 giants that I saw, amongst the many normal sized ones ($6). so i guess they don't expect to sell many. The big ones are all lumpy and don't have the cool stems that are the best part of the pumpkin, imo.
These must be the kind that Peter Peter Pumpkineater put his wife in...

I forgot to mention- pumpkin seems a bit waterier than the other winter squash I've used. But I do love the orange color it adds to a dish I'm making, and its flavor is delicate enough that you can make it sweet or savory.
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I would eat that.
Trader Joe's has begun stocking a portion of their pumpkin products. I bought a box of cereal that was like Cheerios, but pumpkin flavor, and a box of Pumpkin Oreo-style cookies, where the cookie and the cream filling both were pumpkin spice flavor. That was about two weeks ago. They are both long gone from my pantry now. I will probably return in the near future to snag some of their pumpkin spice coffee, which had not become available for the season yet on my last visit.
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I love this thread love everything Pumpkin and Apple , I agree beware of pumpkin spice type stuff and beverages they are not all Vegan or pumpkin they are just pumpkin pie spices ..
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I don't think I've ever had anything pumpkin without cinnamon and just the teensiest bit of nutmeg (not a fan) but that's probably because I've only done sweet pumpkin and not anything savory. If something says it is pumpkin flavored I always assume it's going to include cinnamon and nutmeg...but that's just my experience.

I love vanilla.

Pumpkin is good for cats with stomach issues.