@Forest Nymph
By the way, I did follow a recipe for the Tofurkey. It does suggest that you marinade it, which I did, overnight in fact. I was a chef for a very long time and feel I took proper care, especially in light of there being company coming. I recall I had created a marinade with vegan friendly red wine and herbs and seasonings. It looked like it had potential at that point, but for me it was not only the flavour of it, but texture and aroma, including the thin watery gravy it came with. Also, none of my guests liked it at all, sadly.
The brownies were tasty though
I'll give them that 
I've heard and read that other people enjoy it, and while I'm glad that you enjoy it, I would never buy it again, myself, especially after tasting Gardein's alternative. There is no need to embellish anything with Gardein's alternative.
One last thing I will add about the holiday Tofurkey is that the price here in Canada is outrageous. I think I saw them at Thrifty Foods (Sobeys) for around $45.00 CND.
By the way, I did follow a recipe for the Tofurkey. It does suggest that you marinade it, which I did, overnight in fact. I was a chef for a very long time and feel I took proper care, especially in light of there being company coming. I recall I had created a marinade with vegan friendly red wine and herbs and seasonings. It looked like it had potential at that point, but for me it was not only the flavour of it, but texture and aroma, including the thin watery gravy it came with. Also, none of my guests liked it at all, sadly.
The brownies were tasty though
I've heard and read that other people enjoy it, and while I'm glad that you enjoy it, I would never buy it again, myself, especially after tasting Gardein's alternative. There is no need to embellish anything with Gardein's alternative.
One last thing I will add about the holiday Tofurkey is that the price here in Canada is outrageous. I think I saw them at Thrifty Foods (Sobeys) for around $45.00 CND.