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Question Animal cruelty VS Nazi violence


Dec 21, 2018
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Working on text about correlation between being cruel with animals and being cruel with humans.
Checking facts. If you have any info about following questions, please help:

1. I’ve heard from some lectures, that Nazis took their methods for death camps from meat industry. That the conveyor lines, technologies of mass murder were inspired by the meat factories of a time.

Looking for facts and historical data. Any confirmation on “paper” would help. Books, wiki, maybe some video interviews of witnesses or historians.
If you know, where to check, where to read more about it, it would be great to get some links.

2. Gas chambers for pigs. Anybody knows when exactly the technology was put on the market?
Same question - looking for facts and historical data, that will confirms, when it started and how exactly.

Appreciate any help!)
Take a look at “Eternal Treblinka” by Charles Patterson. AFAIK, it is the book in which these similarities were pointed out first.

Thanks for your answer! I will check!

Why does it matter where they got their ideas for mass slaughter. Equating the meat industry with Nazis is a bit of a stretch.

Thanks for your opinion. IMO it does matter. The “stretch” from your point of view isn’t a stretch from mine. There are some obvious similarities. Experiments and testing on living flesh. Imprisoning from birth till the day they cannot work anymore than killing.

Also, if you check how pigs are killed today in gas chambers, than check how same process was built in death camps, you will find some similarities.

I’m here not for arguing, I just answered to your opinion with mine. I am working on book for five years now, and I really need to check those facts. So, please, don’t turn this tread into fight, if possible.
Still trying to find out since when pigs are killed with gas? Please, share facts, if you know!
Thanks for your opinion. IMO it does matter. The “stretch” from your point of view isn’t a stretch from mine. There are some obvious similarities. Experiments and testing on living flesh. Imprisoning from birth till the day they cannot work anymore than killing.

Also, if you check how pigs are killed today in gas chambers, than check how same process was built in death camps, you will find some similarities.

I’m here not for arguing, I just answered to your opinion with mine. I am working on book for five years now, and I really need to check those facts. So, please, don’t turn this tread into fight, if possible.

You've been working on a book for 5 years and you're resorting to asking for help from random people on the internet? Perhaps you should polish up on your research methodology. Google can be your friend. Also, libraries...
You've been working on a book for 5 years and you're resorting to asking for help from random people on the internet? Perhaps you should polish up on your research methodology. Google can be your friend. Also, libraries...

Hope you fulfilled your eager to feel expert of everything and reached the feeling "I am better, than someone else" ) Not gonna argue or explain to you ;)