I am a 75-year-old male. I have been a strict vegan for 15 years. Approximately 14 months ago, my right foot started burning, like a vegan who is not getting enough B12. Also, 14 months ago my right hand began to tremble, and three months ago when I camping out at tempo. Playing tennis, my right hand involuntarily has much control problem when I swing the racket which also started about 14 months ago. I’ve been allergic to sulfa since I was a baby I have tried many different blood pressure pills which I have also been allergic to. Because the regular AMA doctors were just giving me gabapentin for my foot pain, I decided to go to a holistic Doctor Who said that B12 Shots may correct the problem because I may not be observing the B12 in my body. I was reading, that a person can have normal B12 levels, but still not absorb the B12. So, on July 18 I had my first B12 shot of 1000 MCG. They said it took 24 hours to work, and Shernoff, day two and day three, my foot pain went from an 8 to 4 and I slept very well. Three days later I took my blood Pressure, and it was 123/70. A great improvement. I figured I was onto something. Cautiously I waited, and two weeks later, I took the second B12 shot. This time, the doctor only had 5000 MCG and said that I would urinate out what I didn’t need. So the same result. The second and third day my foot pain went from an H204 and I slept very well. I was encouraged, and three days later and decided to take the third shot which was 1000 MCG. Now, and exactly one month, I had taken a total of 7000 MCG. My body has been allergic to most things, and I’m wondering if my body was allergic to the B12 shot, because two days later I got a pressure headache. I figured that maybe it was from the B12 shot, because I had not taken anything else. Four days after the third shot, I took the first shot of 1000 MCG. Two days after the fourth shot my pressure headache was still continuing. I figured that I had better check my blood pressure, which was probably associated with the pressure headaches now and it’s for today. My blood pressure was 196 over102. I waited 11 more days to see if I may have been allergic to the B12 shots and was giving it time to be eliminated through my urine. I checked my picture again 11 days later and it was 190/95. I went to urgent care and they were not able to get my blood pressure down. It has been eight weeks with a constant pressure headaches and my blood pressure extremely high. Do you know of anyone who has had that situation and what did they do about it? Please contact me at givingglorytogod@yahoo.com.