B12 for 1 year old


Apr 18, 2019
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I have been trying to find the best vitamin for my 1 year old. Most of the children vitamins are aged 3+. I really want to make sure my 1 year old gets B12 and have been giving her cow's milk and eggs to make sure she gets it. Is there any other parents that can give me names of what they use? I live in the UK so hopefully UK sites can be given. I'm just not happy to go fully vegan with my child until I know she's getting B12.
There's b12 in soy and coconut milk. It's also in cereal, nutritional yeast and some breads.
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This says a kids ages 1-8 need 10 micrograms per day, while I've read elsewhere 1-8 micrograms.

If I were you, I'd just plug in some of the foods mentioned above into Cronometer . I'm sure there are plenty of ways to get more than enough B12 at that age. I'd personally have a bottle of drops on hand if I were concerned (I probably wouldn't be) long before I'd consider feeding my child eggs or cow's milk (which at this point would be when h3ll froze over, lol).
Little Chickpea still gets hers through breastmilk. Beyond that, she sticks so much into her mouth I'm sure she gets her fill daily. She also LOVES nutritional yeast, so you can try a brand fortified with B12 if you wish. Maybe a fortified coconut milk is another option.
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I have been trying to find the best vitamin for my 1 year old. Most of the children vitamins are aged 3+. I really want to make sure my 1 year old gets B12 and have been giving her cow's milk and eggs to make sure she gets it. Is there any other parents that can give me names of what they use? I live in the UK so hopefully UK sites can be given. I'm just not happy to go fully vegan with my child until I know she's getting B12.

Yes, you are correctly concerned. Infants need a lot of B12 and there have been cases reported of infants who are being breastfed being B12 deficient.
B12 deficiency is an easy blood test. In fact, it is usually part of the package that any doctor gives you on a check-up. And i imagine you and your baby have been getting regular check-ups. But it might be worth calling the doctor and double-checking and finding out the results. Just for peace of mind.

I'm not so sure the fortified foods route is the solution. Not by themselves anyway. Fortified foods have small amounts of B12 and that is in adult-sized amounts. Your baby needs more than a typically small amount. And probably can't eat an adult-sized portion.

The tricky thing about B12 is that the "absorption site" gets jammed before we get our mRDA. So you either have to take small amounts frequently or a super large amount.

My best advice is to discuss this with your pediatrician. Also there are some great vegan baby books. You should pick one up and read it.

Here are some good articles in the meantime
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This is the one that I use, called Livewell, it's all natural. quoted from the site.

1 - Naturally sourced methylcobalamin

Many companies use a synthetic B12 called cyanocobalamin, which needs to be processed in the liver in order to become absorbable. This is why it is dangerous to take too much cyanobalamin.

Methylcobalamin, however, does NOT need to be processed in the liver, and so it is very safe and effective at high doses. Which brings us to...
2 - Each dose a whopping 5000 mcg

At this dose, you'll be sure to get as much B12 as your body needs without the risk that high doses of synthetic B12 pose. Additionally, Vegan B12 comes in liquid form to make it as absorbable as possible.

As with all LiveWell products, You can rest assured knowing there are never any harmful fillers or additives, just whole, natural ingredients.

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