Bad digestion


Apr 9, 2017
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  1. Vegan

So I have always had bad digestion. It used to be a lot worse and since cutting out certain foods (dairy and gluten) it has gotten a lot better. I'm also vegan, and I have found not drinking with my meals, as well as food combining (not in a really strict sense but just not eating more than one main macronutrient at a time) helps my digestion. However, even with doing all these things I still often have a heavy stomach feeling/slight tummy ache after eating and sometimes lots of burping. I'm doing all these things and yet my digestion is still bad. It makes me mad cause I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I've had this problem for years.

Any tips or things you have done to solve digestion problems? Thanks
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I'm in the same situation.

And worse now that my body is no longer reacting well with any kind of legumes.
Beans make me feel so bad. Chickpeas, worse.

I think it might be hypochlorhydria, low stomach acid.
Trying to suplement with HCL betaíne, but as my stomach still inflammed, I'll way some more time.

I cutted gluten, dairy, garlic, onions, and so much things, already tried probiotics.

It's been very dificult to get the right amount of proteins this way.
I'm in the same situation.

And worse now that my body is no longer reacting well with any kind of legumes.
Beans make me feel so bad. Chickpeas, worse.

I think it might be hypochlorhydria, low stomach acid.
Trying to suplement with HCL betaíne, but as my stomach still inflammed, I'll way some more time.

I cutted gluten, dairy, garlic, onions, and so much things, already tried probiotics.

It's been very dificult to get the right amount of proteins this way.

It sucks:( Has cutting these certain foods helped you? My theory is my stomach, and perhaps yours, doesn't have enough enzymes and/or probiotics. I would buy a probiotic supplement but i'm sooo tight on money right now and good probiotics are sooo expensive here. I talked to my doctor about it and she just gave me something against stomach aches but stomach aches aren't the main problem.

Anyways thanks for replying. Hopefully we both find a solution.
It sucks:( Has cutting these certain foods helped you? My theory is my stomach, and perhaps yours, doesn't have enough enzymes and/or probiotics. I would buy a probiotic supplement but i'm sooo tight on money right now and good probiotics are sooo expensive here. I talked to my doctor about it and she just gave me something against stomach aches but stomach aches aren't the main problem.

Anyways thanks for replying. Hopefully we both find a solution.

Yes, cutting these foods reduced dramatically the digestion issues.
But these way, I get almost nothing to eat.
Like, beans was suposed to be the main protein in lunch and dinner.

I also think a lot about digestive enzymes. Just didn't have courage yet to by, for the same problem of probiotics.
It's is so, so expensive.

Pills to control stomach aches, as de PPI's, antiacids, and things like that, I had already tried all, and didn't work at all.

What are you eating? Like in a normal day and weekends.
Yes, cutting these foods reduced dramatically the digestion issues.
But these way, I get almost nothing to eat.
Like, beans was suposed to be the main protein in lunch and dinner.

I also think a lot about digestive enzymes. Just didn't have courage yet to by, for the same problem of probiotics.
It's is so, so expensive.

Pills to control stomach aches, as de PPI's, antiacids, and things like that, I had already tried all, and didn't work at all.

What are you eating? Like in a normal day and weekends.

I avoid gluten, dairy, and alcohol. So, I eat a lot of potatoes, veggies, quinoa, beans, nuts, chickpeas, lentils, rice, gluten free pasta, and fruit. I find a vegan smoothie in the morning also helps my digestion, I add bananas, some other fruits, and sometimes some nuts or seeds.

I also struggle with legumes. It helps me when I drink some fluids around an hour before I eat legumes. I also don't mix another grain, legume, or fat heavy food like avocao to the dish. So for example I'll make baked beans, or beans and salsa wrapped in lettuce. I also try chewing my food enough but I always forget and end up eating fast.
I avoid gluten, dairy, and alcohol. So, I eat a lot of potatoes, veggies, quinoa, beans, nuts, chickpeas, lentils, rice, gluten free pasta, and fruit. I find a vegan smoothie in the morning also helps my digestion, I add bananas, some other fruits, and sometimes some nuts or seeds.

I also struggle with legumes. It helps me when I drink some fluids around an hour before I eat legumes. I also don't mix another grain, legume, or fat heavy food like avocao to the dish. So for example I'll make baked beans, or beans and salsa wrapped in lettuce. I also try chewing my food enough but I always forget and end up eating fast.


Chickpeas and lentils give me some brain fog. Even sprouted.
I always tried to eat beans with rice.
I think I'll try without it too.
I used to get terrible stomach cramps and bloat. I also had a weird digestive problem where one side of my stomach would swell up after eating, and I could only eat half the amount of food on that side of the abdomen. I went to a doctor, who suspected some inflammation and prescribed me some medications for it. The pills worked for a while but then stopped working and started having some adverse side effects. The best to use for me was the sea moss. You can read about it on Sea Moss - Uses, Benefits and Side Effects of Irish Moss - Drug Genius. I think this would be the best decision for you.