US Bowe Bergdahl - traitor or victim?

Second Summer

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Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
FORT BRAGG, N.C. — Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who walked off his Army base in Afghanistan in 2009 and was held captive by the Taliban for five years, received no prison time for desertion or endangering troops, but was ordered by a military judge on Friday to be dishonorably discharged from the Army.

The sentencing took only minutes in a case where prosecutors had sought 14 years in a military prison.
More: Bowe Bergdahl Avoids Prison for Desertion; Trump Calls Sentence a ‘Disgrace’ (3. November 2017)

The so-called president Trump said of the sentencing:
"The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military."

Last year, during his campaign he repeatedly called for Bergdahl to be executed.

The defence lawyers now have an even better argument to get the whole case thrown out on appeal due to Trump's comments as they can be perceived as trying to unlawfully influence the case.
Bergdahl had initially joined the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard discharged him during basic training for mental health reasons. Given that history, the army should never have allowed him to enlist. It's a tragedy all around, and one that should have been avoided.

As for President Bone Spurs - he has zero moral authority to comment on anyone's service. He also isn't smart enough to realize what a gift to the "other side" his bloviating comments are (see his comments about the recent killings by truck, the Muslim ban, etc.), or he does realize but doesn't care, because it's more important to him to toss red meat to his base.