I soon understood it as a gift to know another language without having to learn it as an adult. Languages still are a huge barrier (even though according to a Sci-Fi book the translator fish caused more war than ever before because people dont had to learn new languages to prepare war treaties). I wonder if there are designated swearwords in Esperanto...Lol, dumplings are "pel'meni"...
It looks like we'll be able to have a small conversation in russian in the future. Seriously, you're good.
Unfortunately I lost contact since my dear mother passed away... but the feeling of loosing part of my roots is allready getting unbearable. For years now I plan to take half a year off and travel through russia. Not the big settlements but small villages where people will look at me like an alien that cruedly speaks their language. People living on the countryside are usually a bit bored so I imagine if a foreigner shows up with 2-3 bottles of vodka and the offer to work the fields for a place to sleep and some food... I think I gonna have a pretty good time! Learning old recipes, listening to folklore, learning about the different cultures of the huge russian federation.... and above all.... eating real food!!!