No Longer Active
The first comment here suggests you just want us to agree with everything you say so I wonder what you are doing on a public forum.Please read before commenting. Please do not comment if all you have to say is that I'm "narrow" or "judgemental" or "need therapy." Please do not comment to make a case for why your unethical behaviour is valid.
3. People in your life mistake veganism for a plant-based diet and it drives you crazy but you don't know what to do about it without literally alienating half the people in your life.
The reason the second happens is simple. When the term vegan was coined by Donald Watson, the founder of the vegan society, it was purely about diet and not specifically about ethics. The Vegan Society was taken over by animal rights extremists who spitefully removed Watsons membership of his own society and arbitrarily changed the definition of vegan. However, by that time, the original definition was so ingrained in the minds of people, many of whom were vegan before you were born, that it has stuck and continues to this day. With language, even when new definitions occur, the original definition is still valid as long as it is in common usage, therefore it is perfectly valid to refer to yourself as a vegan if you avoid animal foods for environmental or health reasons or any other reason and the now corrupt Vegan Society, once a genuine information charity and now a supplement business, have no say in the matter. They have not stopped proving that they care more about animals than people since they did the disgusting thing to Watson.