Captain's Log

I've made some changes to the sidebar on the right on the forum list page. (The main page.)

You might notice the new "box" called Recent Statuses which shows ... recent statuses. I thought that was pretty neat.

I might make further changes in that area in the near future, as I'm still not entirely happy with it.
A note about the Recent Statuses. It will now take up to a minute before a new status is actually shown. (It has to do with caching so as not to overload the database.) Previously, the setting was 1 hour, but I changed it some time during the weekend, so now it's just 1 minute.
There is an update to the forum software, so will attempt to install it some time this morning. The forum will be offline for approx. 5 - 10 minutes.
Installed add-on that displays the number of discussions (a.k.a. threads) that a member has started. So far it's only displayed on their profile page, I think. You can also see this number for your own account on the forum index page in the top right box.

I'm hoping at some point we can get a list on the Members tab under Notable Members that displays a list of users that have started the most discussions.
Glad you liked that. The poll can be added from the Thread Tools menu in the top right-ish of your threads.

Also recently added the most recent poll to the "sidebar" on the right of the forum main page. So if you start a thread with a poll, it will be displayed there as well.
We had a spammer today from Donetsk, Ukraine. I thought they were busy with other activities over there at the moment. Well, at least spamming is a non-violent activity.
I'm looking for a new super moderator to take on some of the tasks previously carried out by SummerRain. If you think you can successfully emulate SummerRain, please let me know :p
Thank you, Envy! I will mull it over for a while.

I've just installed a "History" add-on - it lists the last 50 threads you have viewed. The link is under the Forums menu, next to New Posts. It should be useful for example if you remember there was this excellent thread you read a while ago, but you just can't remember what it was called.
I'll have to install an update for the forum software soon. It's all ready to be installed, but the board will be offline for 10 minutes or so. I will try to find a slow time of day to install it.
Ouch. The server ran out of memory while I was running a new software to gather website statistics, so the database stopped working. Things back to normal now it seems.
It happened again! Truly sorry about that. I didn't realize the software was configured to start up automatically. If nothing else, I'm learning things.