

May 21, 2017
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I am a new vegan. I also am on a second type of chemo in seven months. My question is: does anyone have any suggestions for foods that would be easy on a queasy stomach? Also, food just tastes weird. I know that milks of any kind are not sitting well. Help? Thankyou. :(:thanks:
I'm sorry to hear that.

When you're tummy is unwell it is better to have small portions of very bland, starchy food, i.e. white rice, boiled potatoes, dried toast and bananas. If you suffer with nausea ginger and peppermint can help. You can either make infusions or just grate some fresh ginger onto your food.
Thank you for the tips! When i told my oncologist i was going to go vegan he was quite pleased. He is vegetarian. Was quite surprised he offered no diet support. Harumph.
@Crow13- I am so sorry to hear you're going through such a time! :hug:
Have you asked your doctor for a dietician recommendation? So glad they're on board with diet choice!
Kris Carr was one of my inspirations going vegan. While I haven't had to deal disease, her story is so inspirational, and having gone vegan during her own bout with cancer I hope you'll appreciate her outlook and well researched advice
Top 11 Tips for Cancer Patients
When my husband was on chemo several years ago, his go-to food for the queasiness was oatmeal cookies. I think I made them a bit less sweet and with a bit less cinnamon than I normally would, as he needed them to be bland.