Vegan Cherry & Almond Muffins


Mad as A Hatter
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
Durham UK

Cherry & Almond Muffins (Makes 6)

125g self raising flour
25g soya flour
60g granulated sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
75ml almond or soya milk
75ml sunflower oil
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 small banana mashed
100g (excluding the pit) fresh cherry chunks (cut each cherry into 8 pieces)

Sieve the flours into a bowl, then add the sugar.
In a jug dissolve the baking powder in the soya milk, and then add to flour mix.
Next add the oil, almond extract, mashed banana, and give it a bit of a stir with a spoon.
Add the cherry pieces too and then combine mixture by hand the a spoon. Do not over mix, just enough to incorporate all the ingredients. The batter will be quite thick rather than runny, but will produce a light fluffy cake.
Divide the mixture into 6 muffin cases.

Bake for about 15-20 minutes in a preheated oven at 180, or until they look golden brown.

Lower the temperature to 160 if you have a fan assisted oven.

Those look amazing! I need something to cheer me up...I'm going to see if I can muster up some ambition and go make them right now! I'll come back and let you know how I do. :D
I made some, and didnt have any muffin liners so used cupcake cases instead so made about 12 instead of 6...The texture was a bit stodgey Im putting it down to being baked in smaller cases, therefore more quickly. :confused:
Nicci is an amazing cook AND photographer..My stuff never turns out like hers! lol
Define stodgey...

Nevermind...I'll google it even though googling IS SO HARD!!!! :p
Ooh. These sound delish! Cherry/Almond = an amazing flavor combination.
Well to me they had the texture of a pudding. Like jam roly poly, but a little softer. That probably makes more sence to Brits...pudding
Ok, it only took me 7 hours, but here I go. I'm not too hopeful, though, because I suck at converting measurements. Google helped so we'll see how it goes...wish me luck!:chef:
I did it and they came out great! (Mine do not look as pretty as Nicci's). But they're not stodgey, either!! :)
Thank you so much Alice-Bee! You rock! :bd:
Ooooo two of my favourite flavours. I know what I'm making at the weekend if I have time!

also a muffin wouldnt be a muffin unless it was quite stodgy
I havent eaten a muffin since I was vegan, but from what I remember, they were always quite squidgy and somewhat wet inside. or did I just eat bad muffins?
I did it and they came out great! (Mine do not look as pretty as Nicci's). But they're not stodgey, either!! :)
Thank you so much Alice-Bee! You rock! :bd:

Will you send me the converted recipe when you get the chance? These sounds so good!