The health argument doesn't stop people from buying leather... Or wool... Or animal tested products...
Obviously, what I notice is people considering PB or PPB but not the whole vegan thing.
The health argument doesn't stop people from buying leather... Or wool... Or animal tested products...
Thanks haha I guess you're called a troll by a lot of people. Seems like you like to talk a lotgosh i just noticed your age...excuse me for showing surprise...i mean it as a compliment i add...so young...compared to ? me of course...and daring to enter the fray on such topics...i admire you...seriously...i was no way up to your level at your age. sadly.
oh well there IS hope for the world...and the animals...when such people as you even take an interest is all i can end saying on that topic. As clint eastwood would say..."you made my day" lol...and now...to the eternal gratitude i am sure of admins of this group...i shall bid ye gudday and go out in the sunshine after a shower it is sunny in the uk today
wow...it was YOU who started this high level topic thread...wow...
well...as the good book said...and who will lead them ?
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Thanks haha I guess you're called a troll by a lot of people. Seems like you like to talk a lothave a good one.
That's funny because I get called a troll almost every post I make. I care about the troubles of wild animals and I don't know how to deal with it, I just want people to accept that their suffering matters. People's appeal to nature is irrational for justifying meat, yet vegans use it all the time when deciding whether or not to intervene in the wild in order to minimise suffering.ooh it has been some years since i got that TROLL name call lol...thx for reminding me of it...i have a meme i use for TROLLS that appear in my vegan cats group I manage...these are fun memes...you know...people who join a "vegan cats" group to order people to "kill animals to feed cats" types of trolls...
I do recall the last time i got called a troll...i did not know what the title meant actually had to enquire...it was in...uk pets corner online forum some years ago...i posted that i fed my dogs vegan ...well that did it...we are talking 10 years ago btw...it was in the dogs group...they were so stunned...they accused me of being a TROLL...so i asked...what is that ? they replied ...someone who is making things up to annoy others...i replied...i am NOt making it up...i feed my dogs vegan...ended up with a BAN of course. For being allegedly a TROLL ... or was it for feeding my dogs vegan ? actually the last comment i ever wrote there was ? "on the internet nobody knows you are a dog" to someone called ouesi...some yank into preaching what to do with their dogs to everyone who posted type of person...he called him or herself a dog "expert" well so my comment...of "on the internet no one knows you are a dog" was clearly an allegation at him implying i had no regard for his views as he could call himself the POPE online and no one would know if it were true.
Of course...in a DOGS group posting "on the internet nobody knows you are a dog" that might have been a "speciesist" offence taken.
Admin never explained...like royalty...i just got banned lol
I put the rules up clear...this is an "abolitionist vegan group" but since people today are very ignorant that term fails to compute in their tiny brains and still they plough on...into self assisted suicide actually...
If i do not MUTE the trolls posting pictures of dead animals they want us all to kill to feed our cats...i get called a WEAK ADMIN and reported to other admin lol...
I am TOO TOLERANT maybe of animal killers ...i think...let them spout off a bit...to see if they can be talked round after all the "chest puffing" struts humans need to do just like peacocks and turkeys...my male turkey struts his stuff i noticed you see...
you cannot please all the people...all of the time...some usa president not a trump once said i forget names....
Anyway. DEFINITION of a TROLL is a good topic for a future post maybe lol !
I call a troll someone who is out to go totally against the ethics or principles of the group or post involved...like for eg ? a Jew joins a Muslim group to rant about the prophet negatively...or...in the case of vegan cat groups...i see KAMAKAZE SUICIDERS arrive all guns blasting calling us all "animal abusers" whilst forgetting they kill thousands of animals ! it does take some patience dealing with kamakazes i must say...one has to put up with...pictures of dead animals even until deleting the posts and eventually the trolls of course most of the time.
anyone launching into YOU ARE ALL WRONG rants is usually a troll.
Here i shall leave you with my favorite troll pictures...guess which one i like and use the most ?
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That's funny because I get called a troll almost every post I make. I care about the troubles of wild animals and I don't know how to deal with it, I just want people to accept that their suffering matters. People's appeal to nature is irrational for justifying meat, yet vegans use it all the time when deciding whether or not to intervene in the wild in order to minimise suffering.
Do you have a vegan cat? How is it managing? I assume it's a rescue cat also, as the idea of ownership and purchasing an animal that has been taken away from its mother is quite upsetting, although I understand why many vegans do buy pets.
So I want to hear some of your opinions in regards to what topics are off-limits when attempting to "win over" a meat-eater.
Have any of you guys heard of the vegan teacher on tiktok? Well she's blown up recently and everyone is calling her racist and disgusting for referencing slavery and rape in her activism. I attempted to explain that these comparisons were merely a portrayal of fallacious argument, and I was branded a racist bigot.
If someone argues that it is ok to do something so long as culture deems it to be ok, you can point out the fallacy by referencing slavery that occured in history, which was very much not ok, despite it being accepted by society.
If someone argues that it is ok to do something, so long as it bring pleasure to them, you can outline the fallacy as it can be used to justify rape.
Counteracting these arguments in this manner is sure permissible, no?
What are your thoughts?
Well it is exclusively how I was won over and how many others are. Look to the likes of Joey Carbstrong, Earthing Ed and Humane Hancock. They present the ethical argument in a calm manner and it very often works.
Did you actually read what I said?
No comparisons are being made between women and cows. Nor are any comparisons being made between pigs and Jews or black slaves.
If someone used the argument "well if you needed to survive you would do it"
And you responded by saying "if someone had a gun to your head to punch me you would do it, but you don't under current circumstances" you are in no way saying it is as bad to punch someone as it is to purchase animal products. You are merely saying that the line of reasoning leads to the justification of something they they deem to be immoral.
Look at it this way:
Premise 1: So long as society deems it to be ok, it is morally permissible.
Premise 2: Society deems animal agriculture to be ok.
Conclusion: Animal agriculture is morally permissible.
You can clearly see that the issue is with premise 1, not premise 2 or the conclusion. Premise 2 can be swapped for slavery, and reach an irrational conclusion, which means that the premises have to be changed.
I have never claimed that "animal agriculture is worse than slavery" because that would be offensive. However, I can claim that it is wrong, even if it isn't AS wrong as slavery.
The health argument is ego-centric and therefore people will be less likely to engage. With the environmental argument, people can justify moderation, as issues only arise with excess in regards to the environment. If you win them over with the ethical debate, they are more likely to be dedicated to be vegan.
BTW this section is called "philosophy". If you have no interest in ethics then don't engage in this section of the forum?
Of course it's permissible. But most people aren't rational, and Americans in particular - well at least approximately 1/3 to up to 1/2 of Americans - don't really understand science, whether that's about climate change or other environmental issues or COVID-19.
I say "up to 1/2" because it's not just the right wing. There are some people in the sociology or philosophy department who are centrists or leftists that apparently live in a fantasy world where climate change will be magically solved without enforcing laws or international intervention. where "there's so much land, there's plenty of land for everyone, why are there fences" (um, no, actually we have to have a certain amount of pristine earth left alone so that we can, you know, not die horribly) and indigenous people can eat at McDonald's because heeeeey they're modern and it's racist to even bring it up!
There are vegans who live in a fantasy universe too. I took a break from activism and etc, getting a much clearer picture on the damage some vegans are doing, seeing as that they really don't comprehend the greatest danger facing mankind is in fact climate change, so they nitpick to death some irrelevant details for personal purity until everyone loses their minds and hates vegans for droning on and on about not keeping pets and not eating olive oil or getting mad at people for trace amounts of animal ingredients WHEN FFS THE EFFING PLANET IS DYING YOU PERSONALLY PURIFYING YOURSELF FROM ANIMAL COMPANIONSHIP, OIL CONSUMPTION, OR TRACE AMOUNTS OF ANIMAL PRODUCTS IS NOT IN REALITY HELPING ANY ANIMALS AT ALL. I get tired. I have issues of my own, but let's also face up to the legions of vegans who have lost sight of the big picture.
I don't think veganism is a magic bullet, though it is extremely effective and helpful. I equally accept ethical vegetarians for the good they do for animal rights - not just for farmed animals, but you know all of the wildlife we're losing on the daily. I get seriously frustrated with people who do not think about this, it's like they practice a religion where they worship farm animals instead of trying to ethically do as little harm to all sentient life on earth.
I definitely think there is a place for sharp, uncompromising, even aggressive vegan arguments. I personally love Vegan Gains, he's one of my favorite You Tubers. I think there are certain types of people who are only convinced by rational comparisons and bold, abrupt statements that shake up their world.
On the other hand, there are people who won't listen if you talk about slavery or rape. If you want to reach those people or have a serious talk with them, you have to adjust your style to something they'll respond to. I mean, you personally don't have to, there are other people out there doing that. I'm just saying it isn't a matter of right or wrong, but what is effective with different types of people.