Health Issues Colon Cancer


Nov 12, 2013
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My mom was recently diagnosed with colon cancer.. I am scared for her..

Is anybody else on the same situation? Can you give me pieces of advice, or guides or whatever in caring/coping for her?
I don't have any advice, but I'm sorry your mom got that diagnosis. I'm sending her and you lots of good wishes. :hug: Is she going for chemo soon?
hi you. my dad wad diagnosed with bone cancer. the news is never easy.
what did the oncologist say?

its an emotional rollercoaster. i try to be there for my dad. but sometimes they also need space.

best to take,it day to day.

My mom was recently diagnosed with colon cancer.. I am scared for her..

Is anybody else on the same situation? Can you give me pieces of advice, or guides or whatever in caring/coping for her?
My mom, aunt and uncle all survived colon cancer for many years. (Mom and aunt still alive in their 80's, some 20 years post-diagnosis.) It depends upon the degree of cancer and the type (some are more aggressive). Sometimes they just remove cancerous polyps that have not progressed; sometimes they have to remove part of the colon and sew the two ends together. Sometimes chemo and/ or radiation.

Listening to your mom's fears (while pretending not to freak out yourself) is probably the most supportive thing. Some people would rather not talk about it, especially with their children, so you can respect that if it's true for her. She might want company to some doctor appointments that she neds extra support for, if you can.

((Hugs to you))