Consumers perceptions of plant-based milk products


Dec 5, 2022
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  1. Pescetarian
I am a student at Liverpool John Moores university studying sports nutrition. I am currently writing a dissertation on consumers views on non-dairy plant based milk products, I would really appreciate anyone who participates and it is a short survey.

It has 3 sections on vegan milks- nutrition, sustainability and price.

Thank you,

Many top level athletes are turning to a plant based diet and find it gives them more stamina and performance times. We even have a football club that is Vegan only. Forest Green Rovers are all Vegan, managers and team alike. They only sell Vegan food at their ground. If they can keep this up it is a good show for Veganism and good for promotion of a Vegan diet, even if it's not totally Vegan in every sense, at least it's a step in the right direction and is helping animals and the planet. Every little helps!
I have been trying to pick up on vegan for a while. Dairy milk and chocolate ended up the only problem.
I replaced dairy milk with oatly. Vanilla oatly especially.
I still have a slight problem with chocolate and also like vegan chocolate so will probably end up sticking to that.
I bought a box or two of monty bojangles vegan chocolate truffles not long ago but ended up not cooking myself a proper meal. Then needed the dairy chocolate to make up for it as it is only 33p and easy to purchase.
I am looking forward to vegan cookery and using the vanilla oatly for cakes etc. It is also nice in coffee and cereal with a banana.
Good luck with your research.