Right now, I am working on a Doctor Who tardis-inspired winter hat for my boyfriend's father for Christmas/birthday (which is on New Year's Eve). I got the pattern from a coworker's girlfriend, but I don't think the instructions are written correctly, so I am going to modify the waffle stitch hat pattern I've had success with previously, and just make a tardis blue version with the little white "windows" like a police call box. Stay tuned for that, hopefully later this week.
Also on the short list... continuing to chip away at progress on my boyfriend's blanket. His grandmother requested a virus pattern poncho in purple, white and gold (for the women's suffrage movement) and I will be making another poncho for the baby shower commission I mentioned previously. Good golly, I feel busy!
My other coworker who recently got into crochet came into my office first thing this morning, eager to show me the latest blanket she is making, following the nautilus pattern available on YouTube. While showing off her progress, she mentioned how an experienced crocheter friend of hers always comments to her when she sees my posts on Facebook. Evidently, I have a mild celebrity status with her friend. How crazy is that?!