Cut avocado preservation

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
I just watched a Norwegian cooking video about avocados. A lady was demonstrating the very difficult task of getting the flesh out of the skin and stone. For this she used an incredibly sharp knife that actually cut into the stone so it stuck to the knife. While this seemed like A Very Bad Idea, at the end of the video she revealed that you can submerge a peeled avocado in water and keep it in the refrigerator, and the next day it will be good as new.

Has anyone here tried submerging peeled avocados in water overnight in the refrigerator? Does it really stay fresh that way?

What other ways of preserving cut avocado would you recommend? Can I freeze it?
I tried soaking a cut avocado in water with a splash of lemon juice, overnight. It didn't turn brown but it was kind of slimy. I didn't like it.

I also tried freezing them but then it's only good for smoothies or if you are going to mash it for guacamole. All of this, IMO, only.
I also freeze guacamole as well as sliced avocados. I put my half avocado into a special container ( avocado shaped) into the fridge and it is as good as fresh.
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I tried soaking a cut avocado in water with a splash of lemon juice, overnight. It didn't turn brown but it was kind of slimy. I didn't like it.
I wonder if it would be better to put them in oil...
I leave the peel on the part I'm not using, and either put the cut part "face down" on a plate, or cover it tightly with cling wrap.
I leave the peel on the part I'm not using, and either put the cut part "face down" on a plate, or cover it tightly with cling wrap.
I do this often, too. The cut part still turns a bit but I just scrape the brown off.
This was fun: