Dad Laughs Hysterically At Kids Falling On Ice

I don't think it's funny or cruel. I think it's sad/weird that a grown man is getting his jollies this way. He's not someone I would choose to know, and in fact, the kind of person I would go out of my way to avoid.

I also think it's off to be videotaping people he doesn't know, especially young peopl

This; furthermore it saves me typing it out. :rolleyes:
It's not funny, though. People falling down isn't funny unless you're, like, two-years old.

The only thing funnier than people falling down is that people can actualy stand up in the first place, Spang.

That happens to be something that most of us learn around the age of two and most of us have forgotten by around the age of three.
It wasnt even funny though. It was like witnessing a sad little man doing something to make his life better through mocking and videoing others.

I felt very uncomfortable and cringy listening to him as it was a sad indictment on his character, and his whiny, creepy sadistic voice was gross. Weird.
The video in a way said a lot more about him as a person than it did about the teens who were slipping over.

Did you hear the disappointment in his voice when some kids didn't fall?
I know a few people like this is real life and they are not nice people. They even proudly call themselves assholes and actually laugh harder when someone does get hurt. I avoid these people.
There's a kind of knee jerk reaction that humans have to laugh when something physical happens to someone with suddenness and unexpectedness. That knee jerk reaction is what a lot of the old style slapstick humor is based on.

Most people outgrow that knee jerk reaction as they start to realize that pain and real injuries can and often do result from someone slipping and falling, or something hitting someone unexpectedly, etc., and concern replaces laughter.

This guy obviously has never matured to that point, witnessing him saying at one point, "That really had to hurt", and then laughing even more.
Let me put it this way... if it were me in his position, I would have done things much differently.

However, given what I know:
  • The kids weren't hurt at all.
  • It has already happened and so there is no way I can intervene in the situation.
I can laugh at the physical comedy aspect and not feel like it's cruel.

If I were watching it happen right then, with the possibility of someone being hurt, then of course I would intervene. But the video as it exists in its current form isn't really cruel anymore because that window of actions leading to potential harm is gone.

The guy is probably an *******.
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While it's not hysterical like the guy filming it makes it to be, I still don't see what the big deal is. One time a few years ago when my sibe was young enough to pull a sled, we had him pulling my youngest nephew around. He promptly took a sharp turn and dumped him in the snow. He wasn't hurt; there was nothing around but snow and more snow. And we all laughed. Another time, different dog, same kid but a bit older. His brother intentionally ran in front of the dog pulling the sled, causing the dog to bolt and pulled the sled out from under youngest nephew. Nephew was madder than anything at his brother. Again, nothing around but deep snow so no way to get hurt. I thought it was hilarious, and seeing me laugh, my nephew got over wanting to pummel his brother and laughed at himself. I fell on the ice today with the help of the same dog who pulled the sled out from under my nephew. It hurt and I still laughed at myself.

And while I don't agree with filming people you don't know and then putting it on online, I think it's a leap to call the guy creepy. He's not filming the girls' swim team making comments or zeroing in on breasts while doing it. Yeah he might be an ******* but lets not be so quick to label him a perv. There are plenty of people who actually deserve that label, but it gets old that any time a male is near unrelated kids, he's considered a perv.
I think it is cruel. I cant understand why somebody can watch people (or an animal) fall over and not immediately want to rush to their assistance. If I was the parent I would get out of my car and shout at the teens not to step on that spot. Guy is a *****.

If they are anything like 99% of the teens I know, that would cause them to do it anyway to prove you wrong, or to run across it just to show how tough they are when they fall on their butts. :p