I agree that bullying is an extremely serious matter. You don't cure it by bullying the bully, which is what he's doing with this public shaming, and especially not since the girl has previously been bullied herself.I just think that the dad wanted to make other parents of bullies and also the latter, that bullying is a very serious matter.
Some parents take this lightly and will defend their child who is a bully. Later on they turn into bullying adults that we have all met at work or elsewhere.
Some youngsters never recover from having been bullied and some commit suicide or drop out of school.
I have a friend who niece (aged 16) has dropped out of school. She was bullied twice; in her former school and then onto the new school. To make matters worse, she went to see a hypnotist to get help and he abused her sexually.
I agree that bullying is an extremely serious matter. You don't cure it by bullying the bully, which is what he's doing with this public shaming, and especially not since the girl has previously been bullied herself.
He can bring public attention to the seriousness of bullying without this public shaming of a 10 year old.
Walking to school as a punishment..oh brother. I walked to school almost every day of my childhood from 5 to 18, regardless of the weather.
Walking to school as a punishment..oh brother. I walked to school almost every day of my childhood from 5 to 18, regardless of the weather.
Same here.
Same here.
Actually, I was quoting, roughly, a comedian from about forty or fifty years ago, who was making fun of old people who constantly cited their walks to school as evidence of how easy life is for modern younguns.Yes we all walked to school everyday, and we did it without hyperbole or sarcasm..unlike some people....
I can’t believe that went over my head, lol...the whole ten miles, in a blizzard, uphill...Actually, I was quoting, roughly, a comedian from about forty or fifty years ago, who was making fun of old people who constantly cited their walks to school as evidence of how easy life is for modern younguns.
It just tickles my funny bone that people one or two more generations on are still making the same exact comments about how easy today's youth has it.
Actually, I was quoting, roughly, a comedian from about forty or fifty years ago...
Yes I know, I've heard that quote many times before, but it is still hyperbole in the context of the discussion, as no one was claiming anything close to walking uphill both ways.
FWIW, I have walked to school during heavy snow. 9 inches seemed to be the cut-off for a snow day.