The Atlantic just published an article on Plant Based Eating.
Read it if you can.
RFK and his fake issues about seed oil ( use beef tallow instead!) is setting back the movement.
Here are some highlights
From 2014 to 2024, annual per capita meat consumption rose by nearly 28 pounds, the equivalent of roughly 100 chicken breasts. One way to make sense of this “
meat paradox,” as the ethicist Peter Singer branded it in
The Atlantic in 2023, is that there is a misalignment between how people want to eat and the way they actually do.
The embrace of meat isn’t just about food, but also about what meat represents: tradition, strength, dominance,
muscles—values championed by the right. (There’s a reason that “soy boy” is a common pejorative to describe insufficiently masculine liberals.) Conservatives have long sought to turn meat into a front in the culture wars, even suggesting that Democrats “
want to take away your hamburgers.” Last year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued a
preemptive ban on the sale of
lab-grown meat in his state, describing it as part of “the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish, or bugs.”
As Singer, the ethicist, puts it: “Most people can easily continue doing something they believe is wrong as long as they have plenty of company.” Now no one has to keep up the charade.