US US politics 2025

Apparently, you can now be denied entry to the US if you have expressed critical views of King Donald's policies, even in private messages.

The article says an FBI investigation was also launched against the researcher, although the charges were dropped before he was expelled.
This just gets more insane by the day.
he is single handidly killing the US tourist / business industry

we had a Canadian woman that was detained for 12 days or so in 3 different ICE facilities

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I was thinking about tourism and other industries the other day. He and his crew seem hellbent on destroying Western civilization as we know it, and then I guess the plan is to rebuild it so that they become even more wealthy? Because no one will have anything left but the billionaires. I'm baffled as to how people can root for their own destruction under the lie that they will be better off once we hit bottom. This is complete folly. I just don't understand how he has so many followers.
King Donald has just announced his new wunderwaffen (expensive "wonder weapon"): A sixth generation fighter jet, which the generals (it was definitely the generals) suggested to name "F-47". Coincidentally, King Donald is the 47th president.

Meanwhile, there are now concerns that the expensive fifth generation F-35 fighter jets sold to European countries come with a "kill switch" so the US could block or cripple the aircraft should they deem that necessary. Lockheed-Martin denies any such claims, but the F-35 does depend on US-secured data links and satellite communication.
Meanwhile, there are now concerns that the expensive fifth generation F-35 fighter jets sold to European countries come with a "kill switch" so the US could block or cripple the aircraft should they deem that necessary. Lockheed-Martin denies any such claims, but the F-35 does depend on US-secured data links and satellite communication.

yes, Canada is reconsidering it's current order of the F-35s and I do believe that is one of the reasons, along with just generally cancelling anything USA related

he now also wanted to build a Golden Dome over the USA - he has lost his mind...

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
yes, Canada is reconsidering it's current order of the F-35s and I do believe that is one of the reasons, along with just generally cancelling anything USA related

he now also wanted to build a Golden Dome over the USA - he has lost his mind...

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Seems you can do anything when you're funded by the worlds richest man.
People can't appreciate that 305 billion is a perpetual money machine.
Tesla stock is up over the past few days : (

So remember how a bunch of people artificially inflated the AMC stock a few years back, is it possible to do the opposite? Like, what if a bunch of people bought stock and then all sold at the same time?
Tesla stock is up over the past few days : (

So remember how a bunch of people artificially inflated the AMC stock a few years back, is it possible to do the opposite? Like, what if a bunch of people bought stock and then all sold at the same time?
Stock prices are a bit magical, especially short term. The important numbers to watch are the number of Tesla vehicles sold: absolute numbers and relative to total number of vehicles or EVs sold in each country etc.
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Stock prices are a bit magical, especially short term. The important numbers to watch are the number of Tesla vehicles sold: absolute numbers and relative to total number of vehicles or EVs sold in each country etc.
Thanks for making me feel a bit better, god knows I needed it with the news this week!
The Atlantic just published an article on Plant Based Eating.
Read it if you can.
RFK and his fake issues about seed oil ( use beef tallow instead!) is setting back the movement.

Here are some highlights

From 2014 to 2024, annual per capita meat consumption rose by nearly 28 pounds, the equivalent of roughly 100 chicken breasts. One way to make sense of this “meat paradox,” as the ethicist Peter Singer branded it in The Atlantic in 2023, is that there is a misalignment between how people want to eat and the way they actually do.​
The embrace of meat isn’t just about food, but also about what meat represents: tradition, strength, dominance, muscles—values championed by the right. (There’s a reason that “soy boy” is a common pejorative to describe insufficiently masculine liberals.) Conservatives have long sought to turn meat into a front in the culture wars, even suggesting that Democrats “want to take away your hamburgers.” Last year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued a preemptive ban on the sale of lab-grown meat in his state, describing it as part of “the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish, or bugs.”​
As Singer, the ethicist, puts it: “Most people can easily continue doing something they believe is wrong as long as they have plenty of company.” Now no one has to keep up the charade.​
The Atlantic just published an article on Plant Based Eating.
Read it if you can.
RFK and his fake issues about seed oil ( use beef tallow instead!) is setting back the movement.

Here are some highlights

From 2014 to 2024, annual per capita meat consumption rose by nearly 28 pounds, the equivalent of roughly 100 chicken breasts. One way to make sense of this “meat paradox,” as the ethicist Peter Singer branded it in The Atlantic in 2023, is that there is a misalignment between how people want to eat and the way they actually do.​
The embrace of meat isn’t just about food, but also about what meat represents: tradition, strength, dominance, muscles—values championed by the right. (There’s a reason that “soy boy” is a common pejorative to describe insufficiently masculine liberals.) Conservatives have long sought to turn meat into a front in the culture wars, even suggesting that Democrats “want to take away your hamburgers.” Last year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued a preemptive ban on the sale of lab-grown meat in his state, describing it as part of “the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish, or bugs.”​
As Singer, the ethicist, puts it: “Most people can easily continue doing something they believe is wrong as long as they have plenty of company.” Now no one has to keep up the charade.​
I think the comment that meat represents strength/ dominance is really poignant! I don't think we can fix this by rebranding vegan food as "strong", we have to change society so compassion and empathy are seen as more important than dominance over others. Actually changing this will be very difficult, it is so pervasive it's hard to tell where to start.
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I think the comment that meat represents strength/ dominance is really poignant! I don't think we can fix this by rebranding vegan food as "strong", we have to change society so compassion and empathy are seen as more important than dominance over others. Actually changing this will be very difficult, it is so pervasive it's hard to tell where to start.
"vegan" is just part of the venn diagram of human diets--plant based is a much larger grouping, the vegan part is adding ethics
Plant Based diets have been proven by very reputable research to be the best diet for overall health, and many, many people are getting onboard with cutting out meat, dairy and eggs for their health, often from doctors advice. A large percent here think of animal products in the same light as sugar, oil and processed foods
If you look at the major groups advocating plant based for health they're mostly careful to shun the term vegan-and I think thats very smart
You'll find more sports figures, including body builders, who eat plant based or mostly plant based
The US as a whole is rapidly moving away from any empathy towards anyone. We're all just collateral damage.

Honestly, one factor of the upcoming recession is that plant based foods are cheap and available. Being raised by grandparents who lived through the depression I never thought to add meat where it wasn't needed, and beans were a regular feature. In my younger days I cooked mostly vegetarian simply because it was cheap and easy
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