Dealing With Vermin in Front Yard


May 5, 2020
  1. Vegan
Hi Vegan Forum,

We are independent filmmakers Freddie Whitman, Taso Karnazes, and Corey Halbert and are currently working on a documentary about the battle between animals and the average American living in California.

We would love to get a vegan's perspective on this common issue.

If your yard is being invaded by animals (squirrels, gophers, moles, deer, rabbits, etc...) and you have been dealing with them for some time we would love to interview you and potentially include you in our film.
Our crew is just us three, we’re trying to keep this as lightweight as possible with the current pandemic situation. The interviews would be as long or as short as you want, if you are willing to talk we want to listen. Getting footage of you in your yard telling your success/failure dealing with the wildlife in your yard is what we need. We can also do online/telephone chats if you are more comfortable with that.
If you are in California and want to tell your story dealing with pests moving into your yards then let us know! We will be filming this coming summer 2020.
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We have at least one member with a very nasty neighbor...

I have a possum who often resides in our shed. A family of skunks.
Sometimes I greet deer when I step outside in the morning. I deal with them by saying "hey, how you doing?"
There are also squirrels and rabbits. They keep to themselves, playing in the yards, nesting , doing their thing.
We have some coyotes but they stay mainly in the woods, I've never ran across one myself

No invasion, no battles. Everyone gets along
I do have a friend who has neighborhood children invade her yard and does battle with them, their parents, and to point she had to make a police report
We have possums, feral cats, raccoons, and birds living around our house. Sometimes we hear the possums under the house at night.

During the summer, we sometimes get a small number of fleas inside the house, likely due to the proximity of the animals. Daily vacuuming has pretty much eliminated the problem.

Our outdoor trash cans have firmly closed lids, to prevent curious animals. Easy to do.

Our garden doesn't suffer from snail problems - the possums like to eat them.

No battles for us.

Not sure what you mean by animals "invading" our yards. My family has only been in California for 100 years. Raccoons have been in California for thousands of years.
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Hi Vegan Forum,

We are independent filmmakers Freddie Whitman, Taso Karnazes, and Corey Halbert and are currently working on a documentary about the battle between animals and the average American living in California.

We would love to get a vegan's perspective on this common issue.

If your yard is being invaded by animals (squirrels, gophers, moles, deer, rabbits, etc...) and you have been dealing with them for some time we would love to interview you and potentially include you in our film.
Our crew is just us three, we’re trying to keep this as lightweight as possible with the current pandemic situation. The interviews would be as long or as short as you want, if you are willing to talk we want to listen. Getting footage of you in your yard telling your success/failure dealing with the wildlife in your yard is what we need. We can also do online/telephone chats if you are more comfortable with that.
If you are in California and want to tell your story dealing with pests moving into your yards then let us know! We will be filming this coming summer 2020.

Straight up, you are trying to elicit an emotional response. Calling animals "pests" and "vermin". Screw your games and get out of here.
I have outdoor animals - chickens, ducks, and now geese, so raccoons, coyotes, foxes, weasels, etc. present issues for me. It's my responsibility to keep my dependent animals safe from predators, but those predators were here before us. I wouldn't dream of harming them in an effort to keep my dependent animals safe. So I provide secure housing, enclosures as safe as I can make them, and I try to stay alert to anyone who might harm my animals, including human predators.
I welcome and encourage all wildlife in my yard. They have never acted in a manner whereby I would need to refer to them as pests. Now my beloved three cats on the other hand? Definitely pests. 😁
Hi Vegan Forum,

We are independent filmmakers Freddie Whitman, Taso Karnazes, and Corey Halbert and are currently working on a documentary about the battle between animals and the average American living in California.

We would love to get a vegan's perspective on this common issue.

If your yard is being invaded by animals (squirrels, gophers, moles, deer, rabbits, etc...) and you have been dealing with them for some time we would love to interview you and potentially include you in our film.
Our crew is just us three, we’re trying to keep this as lightweight as possible with the current pandemic situation. The interviews would be as long or as short as you want, if you are willing to talk we want to listen. Getting footage of you in your yard telling your success/failure dealing with the wildlife in your yard is what we need. We can also do online/telephone chats if you are more comfortable with that.
If you are in California and want to tell your story dealing with pests moving into your yards then let us know! We will be filming this coming summer 2020.

Have a nice troll day.
A search for Freddie Whitman turns up this

I emailed Freddie and it is indeed the person in the link .
He seems sincere and keen to get the doco out there . He meant no harm with his post he said......

We’re genuinely interested in
hearing a naturalists perspective on the individual landowner and his or her relationship to animals.

It would be an interesting watch 😊.
I emailed Freddie and it is indeed the person in the link .
He seems sincere and keen to get the doco out there . He meant no harm with his post he said......

We’re genuinely interested in
hearing a naturalists perspective on the individual landowner and his or her relationship to animals.

It would be an interesting watch .

He should leave the marketing and recruitment to someone else. You don’t go into a vegan forum and refer to animals as vermin and pests.