I mean I suppose in one sense they were trying to do the best they could for me but in another sense I feel as though in some ways when people have children they subconciously use it as an excuse to be selfish and don't care what suffering they may be causing to others if it's for the good of their children. It's clear to me that a good vegan diet is best for us but even if it was worse for our health, would it be morally justifiable to pay for many sentient beings to be tortured and killed so that your child is in slightly better health? I do find it hard to get my head around how people can eat chicken all the time without thinking twice when that adds up to so many animals over time! Hats off to your friend for that remark, I think that shows that vegans can make a difference and make others see the light.

I am positive with others but I feel as though my parents are so immoral and deceived me and the problem is they expect me to come and have a "nice time" with them but all I can think about is how terrible they are in my view so for me I feel my only real options are to see them but keep pushing my views, in which case they become angry and I feel miserable or just not to see them. I think that most people would understand if I refused to see my parents because they were murderers and given that they know the reality of the meat industry but insist on continuing to support it unnecessarily, this is how I see them to be honest but it's worse because most people wouldn't be able to understand how I could see them in that way.