Don't you hate it when....

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I've been so stressed about things I can't control! I know I need to force myself out of it, and make a list of things to do this week I'm off work, and get some exercise. I've done nothing this last weekend but food shop, cook, eat, and mess around online and watch tv.
When a stranger asks you for travel advice on the street and then looks at you like they don't believe you. :iiam:

A woman came up to me just now and asked what bus to get to a particular train station and I told her the number bus and she walked away and looked at the bus timetable information. I know she heard me okay because she repeated the bus number back to me.:shrug:

She didn't get on the bus when it arrived either because I looked to see if she got on.:D
... you're just standing outside on, say, a porch or a patio... and a car rolls up to the stop sign on your small, residential street... then the car shuts off the engine & the lights, and just sits there....? :bag:

It was an old car, not an eco-friendly one that goes silent... it just f*cking sat there... and I couldn't see who was inside because of the damn street light on the corner... I turned my back while I finished my 1/2-cig (all I allow myself), went back inside, grabbed my camera, then saw the car taking off....

:hide: :wtf: work with someone that you absolutely adore but their work ethic is not very good. You end up getting stuck doing work that this person should have taken care of before she left for vacation and you fall behind on your own stuff because of it.

Then you end up having to work overtime to catch up on your work but you can’t get paid for it because the county executive frowns upon it and your manager doesn’t have the guts to stand up for you.

And now you got run down so the nasty sickness germs that you bragged about fighting off in December finally caught up with you and you’re getting sick. :hmm: work with someone that you absolutely adore but their work ethic is not very good. You end up getting stuck doing work that this person should have taken care of before she left for vacation and you fall behind on your own stuff because of it.

Then you end up having to work overtime to catch up on your work but you can’t get paid for it because the county executive frowns upon it and your manager doesn’t have the guts to stand up for you.

And now you got run down so the nasty sickness germs that you bragged about fighting off in December finally caught up with you and you’re getting sick. :hmm:

Poor KL.:hug:
I actually woke up feeling pretty decent, despite only getting 4 hours and 2 minutes of sleep (according to fitbit). And my cold symptoms seem to be pretty mild. Usually I feel worse when I first wake up so I’m feeling hopeful that my immune system is in good shape and this will pass quickly.
I just thought of something...maybe if my cold gets bad enough, my nose will be stuffed up and I won’t be able to smell cat pee. :rofl:
... you can't tell if you have food poisoning, a stomach bug, or just a bout of plain ol' diarrhea...? :no:

In any case, I think the worst is over.... I have visited the bathroom far too much since early this morning. LOL :dismay:

I've rehydrated, even ate a pickle.... but I think I'm gonna wait to eat the "sarcasserole" when it's done 'cuz we all know that cruciferous veggies can create some intestinal havoc. Probably shouldn't have eaten those two potato skins earlier.... :rolleyes:

I draw the line at beer, however. I know booze is one of the last things an iffy gut needs, but I want my f*cking beer. :p I went to CVS & bought Heineken (my former go-to... only three ingredients, no funky stuff)....

I looked at a few probiotics... jesus that sh*t's pricey! :eek: But no need to get fancy... I bought two bottles of CVS brand vegetarian acidophilus tablets (BOGO-free, 100 tabs per) for ten bucks. :)

I remember feeling pretty damn good way back when I use to take acidophilus (then, for acne)... of course that was well over two decades ago. LMAO

I should get myself some fermented foods, too... maybe I should snarf down a jar of kimchi. ;)


10 minutes later: Ya know, I am feeling noticeably better already! o_O Weird....
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I remember when it was the bird flu they said kimchi would keep it at bay. true :shrug:
My tummys been oogy all morning, after having coffee. I ate a pack of saltines and feel better, slept, now I'm hungry but have no idea what I should eat. I want ramen! Ramen are bad for me. Ramen make me feel better. :iiam::im:
I did just buy sauerkraut. Maybe I should try a tempeh reuben?
I got Flatout fold its 3 for $1 at the discount store today! Two rosemary and one everything. Those are good!
I remember when it was the bird flu they said kimchi would keep it at bay. true :shrug:
My tummys been oogy all morning, after having coffee. I ate a pack of saltines and feel better, slept, now I'm hungry but have no idea what I should eat. I want ramen! Ramen are bad for me. Ramen make me feel better. :iiam::im:
I did just buy sauerkraut. Maybe I should try a tempeh reuben?
I got Flatout fold its 3 for $1 at the discount store today! Two rosemary and one everything. Those are good!
Hey, comfort foods are just that. If you want feel-good ramen, eat the damn feel-good ramen. LOL :p

I want "cheesy" brocco-cauli-tater stuff & beer. Beer makes me feel good. I took an acidophilus, my bathroom visits have ceased, that means I can have five beers! :rofl:
I took the crock pot liner out to dish a meal and left the cooker part on high, later when I reached out with a wet hand to put the liner back in I got a burnt hand plus an electrical shock ....sorta woke me up.:rolleyes:
I took the crock pot liner out to dish a meal and left the cooker part on high, later when I reached out with a wet hand to put the liner back in I got a burnt hand plus an electrical shock ....sorta woke me up.:rolleyes:
:eek: Yikes!!
I took the crock pot liner out to dish a meal and left the cooker part on high, later when I reached out with a wet hand to put the liner back in I got a burnt hand plus an electrical shock ....sorta woke me up.:rolleyes:
Be sure to unplug it! Some TV show used a faulty crock pot as the source of a fire that killed a character and I guess crock pot is taking offense- which they should! I think Crock Pot should sue the damned tv show> part of the plot was knowing they didn't have a smoke detector- That killed him, the faulty pot just caused a fire!

Anyway, I know better than to go shopping in the afternoon on weekends if I want to avoid crowds. I don't really mind. Today though? People were zooming with carts down aisles, rude AF! First I thought maybe the super bowl was today, but it's tomorrow. I'd let someone out of an aisle and they turn, then stop right in front of me and block the aisle with their cart! :dismay:
...omnis and fake vegetarians try to tell ME - a strict vegetarian for over 20 years - what vegetarians eat. I don’t care what you THINK vegetarians eat. It’s a plain fact - vegetarians do NOT eat chicken or seafood. Not now, not ever. :bang:
... you almost accidentally bash yourself in the chops with a beer bottle because you're not used to drinking from long-necks anymore...?

Damn muscle memory. LOL :confused:
Last edited: think you have things sorted out and under control (anxiety, not sleeping, things like that) and you’re feeling better but then bam, out of the blue, there’s that feeling again. So it reinforces the fact that even though you think you’re doing the right thing, there’s little control you have over it.
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