... you can't tell if you have food poisoning, a stomach bug, or just a bout of plain ol' diarrhea...?
In any case, I think the worst is over.... I have visited the bathroom far too much since early this morning. LOL
I've rehydrated, even ate a pickle.... but I think I'm gonna wait to eat the "sarcasserole" when it's done 'cuz we all know that cruciferous veggies can create some intestinal havoc. Probably shouldn't have eaten those two potato skins earlier....
I draw the line at beer, however. I know booze is one of the last things an iffy gut needs, but I want my f*cking beer.

I went to CVS & bought Heineken (my former go-to... only three ingredients, no funky stuff)....
I looked at a few probiotics...
jesus that sh*t's pricey!

But no need to get fancy... I bought two bottles of CVS brand vegetarian acidophilus tablets (BOGO-free, 100 tabs per) for ten bucks.
I remember feeling pretty damn good way back when I use to take acidophilus (then, for acne)... of course that was well over two decades ago. LMAO
I should get myself some fermented foods, too... maybe I should snarf down a jar of kimchi.
10 minutes later: Ya know, I am feeling noticeably better already!
