Environmental pictures etc

Maybe you could provide some context for the picture? Of course we all know the British bulldog in the top right. The map looks like some of the Scottish islands, and the chimneys look like a power plant of some kind ...?
I thought it was a long shot . :)

It is a map of the UK, after some sea level rising....Beaches...

any better?

I saw Edwina Currie on Breakfast yesterday, and she was all for fracking, but when the presenter talked about renewable energy, she just said 'oh you don't want wind turbines in your garden'. Yea because having your view of the countryside interrupted is obviously worse than polluting the ground water, and climate change. I thought she had more sense.

eta: ps, the Big Ben(tower) picture was on a wallpaper site.
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I used to listen to Late Night Currie on Radio 5, I thought it was entertaining enough, I was sure she had more sense.......must have been wrong.