On occasion, I get organic veg box deliveries. This week's box included a lettuce. This week's lettuce evidently included a little caterpillar dude, who I found after he had sat in the fridge for two days. So I picked him up and put him out on the window ledge (any bug left inside the flat becomes a cat snack). He looked pretty dead at first, but a few minutes in the sun made him a bit more perky and he was crawling around. We gave him some lettuce scraps and named him Eric after the guy who wrote 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. He was super cute so we took a picture:
We then sent the picture to the veg box company, who just sent this email in response:
We then sent the picture to the veg box company, who just sent this email in response:
Thank you for your e-mail and photo.
Eric looks very content in his new home- I'm so glad that you were able to set him free so he can continue on his caterpillar travels. I love the photo too, how cute.
I've ordered you some olive oil and some extra lettuce to come along
with your next delivery on Wednesday just to show our thanks for your
valued custom. We hope you all enjoy it very much!
Have a great weekend!