News European court decides-PB food Not to have 'dairy' labels

And yeah, what about coconut milk? :rolleyes: It's always been coconut milk! How they gonna get around that? Changing that name would really make their scheme so obviously stupid
In the US it's always coconut milk, or coconut cream. People are very familiar with canned coconut milk and cream, while not so much the cartons. Rephrasing that would be ridiculous!
Well spoken, Guardian!
The Oxford English Dictionary already has two definitions for milk: “an opaque white fluid produced by female mammals” or “the white juice of certain plants”. Dairy farmers may feel that soya and almonds are stealing milk’s identity, but perhaps they need to accept that the cows have just lost their monopoly.
More: Dairy wars: when a glass of milk is really a glass of m*lk (23. July 2017)
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The difference between continental Europe and the UK is that the UK is a democracy, whereas continental Europe is a bureaucracy run mostly from Brussels. Though I voted to stay in the EU, I actually think Brexit makes more sense. You only have to compare the Houses of Parliament in Westminster and the German Bundestag (or is it now called the Reichstag, as it's in the Reichstag building?). In Westminster you get a good, lively debate. In Berlin and Strasbourg real debate is made impossible by the formality of the place and the people. To the Brits our democracy is more important than economic growth, which is unsustainable anyway in the long run. When we leave the EU in March 2019 (no deal is better than a bad deal) I feel sure that we will still call soy milk by it's traditional name and I wouldn't mind betting that Aldi and Lidl will do the same in the UK.
I am sorry I came late to this debate, which goes much deeper than just a name.
@Peter , please also educate us on the democracy-strengthening role that your British "tabloid" newspapers perform ...

The pro-Brexit newspapers have finally lost touch with reality

And no, the Bundestag is still called Bundestag.
Ironically, the "Reichstag" building was only very shortly occupied by those who are nowadays commonly associated with the "German Reich" (to be more precise, the "Third" one). So your quip falls a bit short.
@Peter , please also educate us on the democracy-strengthening role that your British "tabloid" newspapers perform ...

The pro-Brexit newspapers have finally lost touch with reality

And no, the Bundestag is still called Bundestag.
Ironically, the "Reichstag" building was only very shortly occupied by those who are nowadays commonly associated with the "German Reich" (to be more precise, the "Third" one). So your quip falls a bit short.

Das Reichstagsgebäude (kurz: Reichstag; offiziell: Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude) am Platz der Republik in Berlin ist seit 1999 Sitz des Deutschen Bundestages.
Sprechen Sie Deutsch oder muss ich das uebersetzen?

You don't get it yet? Democracy implies the toleration of all views, especially those you don't agree with. Read the Bildzeitung recently?
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Thank you Peter, my grasp of German is fine :-)

But to answer your earlier question again, the "Bundestag" is still called "Bundestag".
It has not been renamed yet after the building that houses it.

And whether democracy means that you have to tolerate "all views" is actually a subject of debate.

The German law is quite strict that *not* all views are tolerated, you can find yourself in jail quickly for espousing and promoting National Socialist views. I have so far not heard many say that Germany is not considered a democratic country because of that.

And, indeed, the "Bild Zeitung" is definitely on par with your tabloids ... but it has so far , to my knowledge, not significantly influenced important political decisions in favour of its oligarch owners.... ;)
Peace and love, Andy. We both have a life to get on with. We will never agree and at the end of the day this tit-for-tat is not that important. I am NOT admitting defeat however. I suspect we both know too much to end this discussion before the end of the century unless someone bows out or dies!
Cripes... quite a bit of drama considering the thread title.... o_O (gets the hell out, quickly)
I'm not averse to drama but the title is
European court decides: Plant based foods must not be marketed as "milk" or "cheese"
Not a county court, not even a national court. In Europe it takes an international court to decide what we call our drink. War has been declared for less. In the meantime the rest of the world is knocking sh*t out of one another and your revered President is calling that fat man in North Korea names- all of this is unimportant in comparison to the name of a drink! And at the end of the day we'll all call it what the ferk we like. Pardon my French.

your revered President
"Revered" president?! Where did that come from, and why would you post that here?? I think, perhaps, you may like to instigate spats, because that comment is a gross generalization....

I won't be pigeon-holed by someone who knows nothing about me & I won't join in whatever the hell this was.... :ttth:
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Pardon my French.
Il ne pas de quois.... it's worse than your German. :p

This is a global community here... I love that about VV... these are all my friends. And those of us who are unfortunate enough to have Heir Frumpenstein (there's some German for ya... made that up myself, thanks) as current prez hate every second of his administration. I started this last year: NSFW - THE TRUMPOCALYPSE... Your mutual hatred of that sh*t-head is more than welcome there....

It's OK, you can stop thinking all Americans are the same now. ;) May the force be with you.
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Ordnung muss sein!

I have complete confidence in Andy's knowledge of all things German (seeing as he lives there, and his first language is German). The whole EU question and the UK's relationship to said entity is a complicated issue for which we have other threads, though. See e.g. these threads:
UK - News - Brexit - should the UK leave the EU?
UK - Brexit aftermath/repercussions
Thank you for that IS, sincerely. I bow to Andy's superior knowledge of German and Germany. German is only the second of the 4 languages I speak fluently, though I have lived there too and do speak the language on a daily basis, as my best friend in Spain is German and my grandmother was German, so I have German family. Having lived in Germany, the UK and Spain, I have come to realize how much less bureaucratic the UK is than the 2 other countries and that is the reason why I think that we will never be comfortable in the EU.
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Il ne pas de quois.... it's worse than your German. :p
It's OK, you can stop thinking all Americans are the same now. ;) May the force be with you.
I would never want to offend you MadamS and I certainly do not think that all Americans are the same. In fact I believe that your views and mine are very similar on many subjects and you are right in a sense, I do like it when people disagree with me. I think that is much more interesting and productive. Vanilla was never my favourite flavour.
I feel strongly reminded of the last episode of the TV series "Yes Minister" (episode 22, "Party Games") ;)

Watch it - very amusing!!! But don't miss the other 21 episodes leading up to it.... Can not endorse that series strongly enough...

Best regards,
I feel strongly reminded of the last episode of the TV series "Yes Minister" (episode 22, "Party Games") ;)

Watch it - very amusing!!! But don't miss the other 21 episodes leading up to it.... Can not endorse that series strongly enough...

Best regards,
Hi Andy
I enjoyed Yes Minister very much x years ago but I am not able to see those programmes any more from Spain. I am not watching a lot of TV at the moment, as we have 2 Beagle puppies in the house and they need a lot of attention. When I do watch TV, it's often German TV because we can still get that via satellite. The footprint of the new BBC satellite only reaches as far south as Alicante. I could pay for Sky TV but we're only here 6 months of the year nowadays and don't like to put too much money into Rupert Murdoch's pocket.
I do like it when people disagree with me. I think that is much more interesting and productive.
Hmm... good to know. I shall now know better than to be goaded into a snit simply because you appear to enjoy unnecessary drama & conflict.... LOL

Peace out. :cool:
Hmm... good to know. I shall now know better than to be goaded into a snit simply because you appear to enjoy unnecessary drama & conflict.... LOL

Peace out. :cool:
You misunderstand me MadamS. I don't like conflict and I only like drama when its in the theatre, on TV etc. or if someone is using it for comic effect. You have taught me a new word (snit); First I would never want to goad you and secondly I would be very sorry if I caused you to get angry or agitated. But a disagreement over politics or history can be very helpful and should not be taken personally. It can help to remove misunderstanding and in that way is for the good of all concerned and ultimately can resolve problems.