Everything is politics & NASA-its about the $


Forum Legend
Mar 6, 2019
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Olympia WA
  1. Vegan
Everything is politics, including NASA... its about what they spend the $ on...

In terms of the federal budget I've said a few times I'd like to invert the percentages for NASA and the military
Right now the military is very bloated, inverting would still give them some budget to use in order to grease the wheels while scaling down
If there was ever any real conflict that they dont already have everything they would need, they could request help from NASA...
Its ALWAYS about who gets the $

Of course Musk embarrassed NASA (or exposed some shadow thing... wheres all the $) with his reusable rockets...
50 million $ rocket only costs 200k $ in fuel to get to space...
The narrative is that NASA would continually make 50 million $ rockets, use them once and then make another
Do you believe that?

A question I've been pondering was if a space elevator was a good idea... pretty sure it would need to be a water elevator where you float things to the top, sandbags and 3d printing concrete and I bet that would be possible... lots of details, I feel like absorbing the energy on the way down is worth it, if you could spiral the tower and absorb with motors... anyways that sounds like way too much guesswork right?

Another question I was asking myself is if Branson and Virgin Galactic have the right idea, if he can get something as small as a jet to no gravity... doesn't it get easier once you get rid of the gravity? He just needs to start landing them in orbiting stations to refuel and go back to earth... idk, anybody have any important detail I'm not considering? it has the reusability and it fits with the other infrastructure and blablabla... Can a jet not be "electric"? Solar in space is suppose to be the gold standard right?
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I heard of this from Rachel Maddow lol, surely they could make a jet engine... oops wait, it says it cant be called a jet if its not exploding petroleum

Electric Ford F-150 Prototype Truck Pulls 1 Million Pounds

Another question I was asking myself is if Branson and Virgin Galactic have the right idea, if he can get something as small as a jet to no gravity... doesn't it get easier once you get rid of the gravity?

A planet always exerts gravity, even on objects in orbit. The reason why orbit seems weightless is because your surroundings (the spaceship) are moving at the same speed as you are: What Is Microgravity?

Airbus is developing hybrid and electric aircraft: Electric flight
A planet always exerts gravity, even on objects in orbit. The reason why orbit seems weightless is because your surroundings (the spaceship) are moving at the same speed as you are: What Is Microgravity?
Here's a quote from the article
>>"If 90 percent of Earth's gravity reaches the space station, then why do astronauts float there?"<<

I had no idea it was 90%, I thought it was much less...
I am unsure if you are suggesting my original argument wasn't correct, the article also says
>>"Heavy objects move around easily. For example, astronauts can move equipment weighing hundreds of pounds with their fingertips. Microgravity is sometimes called "zero gravity," but this is misleading."<<

The idea is if you could easily dock with a station and just do all the heavy lifting up there, manufacturing or whatever, flywheels seem suited for zero g... like everything physical is a lot easier... right? shouldnt you hurry up to get to that step? idk why its taking so long, hes been doing these things for years, maybe it makes sense for the first six months or something...

Airbus is developing hybrid and electric aircraft: Electric flight
Very cool... Idk why they couldnt do three or four of those detachments if it were really necessary for it to be 100% electric... Having the virgin two staged jet ride makes sense, the website claims its energy efficient to get to 50k feet before launching...
So.....what was your point? It feels like you were trying to highlight conspiracy perhaps? IF so...you need to be more obvious cause it was lost.

Yes I think a space elevator is a great idea, sadly I don't have the knowledge of mechanics or physics to know how it should best be done.

As to your last question. yes once free of Earth, the rules change. Easier exchange of solar to energy, more danger to any organics.