News Fake meat vs Real Meat


Forum Legend
Jun 8, 2018
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San Mateo, Ca
  1. Vegan
Before I get into the news, I just want to bring up that I have been seeing a lot of articles that are trying to express that fake meat and fake milk are not the healthy foods the public thinks they are.

In one article, I think it was from the Telegraph, compared Starbucks lattes with skim milk to lattes with almond milk. Of course if you want a healthy coffee - don't get a latte. I don't know but also I don't think lattes are normally made with skim milk.

Anyway, here is the New York take on Fake meat vs Real Meat.

I'll jump in with some comments later.

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Reactions: kelli and Emma JC
They are fighting back hard... hopefully it is a losing battle.

I do not consider fake meat, of any kind, to be "healthier for me", it is certainly a lot healthier for the animals and for the environment. That said it does have fibre, which meat doesn't.

Emma JC
They make a big deal about sodium. and the fake meat companies do add too much. I had an impossible burger last week and it was way too salty. Just take out the salt and let the customers add it themselves.
They make a big deal about sodium. and the fake meat companies do add too much. I had an impossible burger last week and it was way too salty. Just take out the salt and let the customers add it themselves.

I totally agree. Most burgers are far too salty. :(
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I hope people can see through the motives and self-interest of the dead flesh industry in its attempt to stem some of its financial slide. I was amused at the argument that a beef burger is heatlthier because it's not processed. The industry glosses over the tons of antibiotics it pumps into animals to keep them all from dying or being riddled with disease because of the horrendously crowded conditions they live in.

Burgers aren't eaten by most people for health reasons, as they often are served with fries and soda. I think a lot of people see the plant-based burger as the lesser evil. It doesn't have cholesterol, for instance. That is the main reason my mom will eat a Beyond burger or one of my bean burgers. She gave up beef for health reasons, even though she sort of gets the reasons for my going vegan.

The environmental impact of the the meat industry is getting harder and harder to deny, so that is another factor for some people.

And taste is a big factor. Twenty years ago, it was hard to find good prepared substitutes for a burger. My mom actually thinks the Beyond burger tastes better than a beef burger.
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Reactions: kelli and Emma JC
I hope people can see through the motives and self-interest of the dead flesh industry in its attempt to stem some of its financial slide.

Considering how many idiots still run around on FB claiming "They are cutting down the Rainforest for SOY because YOU VEGANS eat TOFU" ... I have little hope of that.
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