Fanta the lamb learns to walk


Forum Legend
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Edgar's Mission is a farm sanctuary in Victoria, Australia.
Edgar's Mission Farm Sanctuary
We have named her Fanta, but we should have named her Bumble Bee. For in the words of Mary Kay Ash “aerodynamically the bumblebee should not be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it, so she goes on flying anyway”. Little Fanta was found by a kind heart who spied her whilst driving. The paddock was strewn with dead bodies, live sheep and a little lamb somewhere in between. Contacting the farmer to inform him of the plight of the wee lamb, this kind heart was told gruffly “she’s not going to make it”. Refusing to accept such a terrible fate, the wee lamb was soon Edgar’s Mission. With a mind refusing to accept her body’s inability to stand, little Fanta tries to soldier on with all the determination of the bumble bee. So that is just what we are going to help her do.

Borrowing young Soda Pop’s now discarded shopping bag, training sessions have commenced, all the while massaging her tiny eyelids to address the debilitating entropion that has taken hold. Only time will tell how far we are able to help this young lamb fly.

She was adorable at the end when she was jumping. <3
Edgar's Mission has the most amazing people that take such great care of these lovely animals. I always enjoy watching their videos.

Gorgeous Fanta and a gorgeous lady indeed.:sob: