I suspect that the vitamin B12 amounts mentioned were OK e.g. "I've injected approximately 1500-2000mcg vitamin b12 a day last week and now I will only inject once a week."
You need 2-8 mcg a day but you must take a much larger amount due to low absorption rate. You need 25-100 mcg (micrograms) per day or 1000mcg if you take twice a week according to both Becoming Vegan nutrition book, and also here
http://veganhealth.org/b12/rec has the same reccomendation.
I assume the above mention of 1500-2000 per day was just as an emergency to address immediate issue which is in agreement with the suggestion at the above link. As a regular weekly dose, 1500mcg is definately not too much and, if it's once per week, may even be too little. If you have had symptoms twice a week at that level may be better.
You can also have double or treble the needed level of B12, and it is thought that nothing bad happens.