US Four Confederate Monuments removed in New Orleans

Amy SF

Dweller in nature
Jun 4, 2012
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I'm liek, in Cali, dude.
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Overshadowed by other news, this past week, four Confederate monuments were removed from public display in New Orleans, Louisiana, prompting a racist backlash from at least one Southern politician who doesn't even represent Louisiana, but neighboring Mississippi.

But New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu gave a speech about the monuments and their removal, and I found it quite moving. It seems some people in Louisiana do want to move forward and heal from the racial tensions of the past. Here's the speech in its entirety:

New Orleans mayor denounces 'false narrative of our history' in speech defending Confederate monument removal
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New Orleans is setting a great example, imo. The city of Richmond has a whole avenue of giant monuments devoted to the The Lost Cause, and it's truly one of the most beautiful streets in America (Monument Avenue - Wikipedia). Here in RVA, we struggle with how to reconcile our past as the capital of the Confederacy, a thriving slave trading city, and having a history of determined segregation (Prince George County) with our present, which is a thriving and diverse city/state which disallowed confederate flags on Virginia license plates, removed the Confederate flags from the Chapel on the grounds of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and had the first black governor since the Restoration.
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The South has had difficulty accepting the Confederacy's loss in the Civil War, especially because of the physical destruction of parts of the South, economic destruction, and the loss of a way of life. Add in wounded pride, and you get the racism and anger that still exists in the South. Some descendants of the losers still find it hard to accept that the South lost the Civil War AND white Southerners lost to the Civil Rights Movement.
The South has had difficulty accepting the Confederacy's loss in the Civil War, especially because of the physical destruction of parts of the South, economic destruction, and the loss of a way of life. Add in wounded pride, and you get the racism and anger that still exists in the South. Some descendants of the losers still find it hard to accept that the South lost the Civil War AND white Southerners lost to the Civil Rights Movement.

It's always been about racism. Always.
I had heard of the civil war before :D

But this monument was erected in memory of the "Battle of Liberty Place" which is referred to as "an 1874 attempt by Democratic White League paramilitary organizations to take control of the government of Louisiana from its Reconstruction Era Republican leadership after a disputed gubernatorial election."

I had not heard of that attempted uprising so far, and was even more surprised that some people would erect a monument memorizing it as a good thing.

Nah, I know, I was making a joke. The Civil War was itself an armed uprising of white supremacists against the government. :innocent: