Free copy of Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam!


Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
All you gotta do is download the game and and hit "play game" within the next fifteen hours. Dunno who has Steam around here, but a free video game is a free video game!
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Reactions: Danielle
I have this game but I've never played it.

We should have a VV zombie killing night.
Sounds good to me. I've played the game regularly in the past, but I suck immensely. :p

Is there one more person interested? It's a four player game. :weird:
I could buy it, but from what I remember I never was really good at it.
I'm papavicta on Steam. Also, I'm off tonight and tomorrow. Additionally, the game is installed. Furthermore, I use a trackpad. Moreover, that is all.
I could buy it, but from what I remember I never was really good at it.
To be fair, we've got two people who are fairly new, and one person who sucks, so you won't be messing up the talent pool. :p

I'm papavicta on Steam. Also, I'm off tonight and tomorrow. Additionally, the game is installed. Furthermore, I use a trackpad. Moreover, that is all.
I gotta eat, work out, and put the chickens to bed, but after that, I'll be up for a game or two. My Steam name's Snowdachi. I play with a 360 controller. :p

We gonna play with or without headsets? :|
Sorry to flake, Spang, but I've gotten myself wraped up in some household chores that need doing. I'll 100% be up to play tomorrow though.
No worries - the zombies will probably still be there tomorrow.
Alright. The outs have been worked, the chickens have been put to bed, and the doges have been looked at. I'm ready for zombie slaying at the nearest convenience. :weird: