I was simply pointing out there is another choice on the ballot besides Dumb and Dumber. If people want to vote for Crook Clinton based just on the gun issue, they are free to do so.
I don't like Hillary Clinton. I think she's pretty much your typical corrupt politician. There are people who are very affected by the fact that she is a woman, either in that it makes them like her an unreasonable amount or loathe her an unreasonable amount. All I'm interested in is her policies and her behavior, and while the first is pretty much just a list of what the Democrats have wanted in general for the past five years or so, I am not pleased with the second.
However, she is an
actual politician. She's a person who, in office, would accomplish things. She's not a beacon of progressiveness, she's actually pretty racist, transphobic, and homophobic, and her foreign policy is just as much "shoot everyone" as any Republican. But she's an actual politician who would actually do things and not let the country fall to pieces.
I don't think I have to explain why the exact opposite is true for Trump.
Anyway, the fact of the matter is, every vote that Clinton doesn't receive is one more tiptoe toward allowing Trump to win. Third party votes are a nice thought, and I know for a fact that many of the third-party candidates are great people who I'd love to have in charge. But our country will
literally not allow that to happen. It's not a matter of "not enough people risking" a third-party vote, our political system literally revolves around the two-party model.
Maybe we can break it! Maybe someday we will dig ourselves out of this situation, because it sure as hell doesn't represent democracy. But
this is not the election to be trying. No matter what, a third party candidate is not winning this election, or any other for the foreseeable future. We
absolutely cannot push it right now. If we experiment, we could end up with a Trump victory.
This isn't about any single issue, this is about going out of our way not to let Trump win under any circumstances. We cannot let this country become even more of a Fascist nightmare. We cannot validate the ravings of white supremacists, nor can we give them an avenue to get away with abusing people in minority groups, which is a certainty if Trump wins. I don't give a **** about Clinton, I just don't want to end up in a death camp in ten years, kay?