US Guns in the U.S.

The right to self defense is a natural, unalienable right that should not depend on a person's financial circumstance, therefor it is my opinion that every individual (after passing a background check and gun safety course) who wants to should get a free gun.
Who is to determine what constitutes "self defense"?
You want guns to available to everyone, yet it's a been a fact that only certain types of people can get away with killing people under the guise of 'self defense', even shooting unarmed people in their back while running away. Other types are given lengthy jail sentences, or shot themselves, while genuinely protecting themselves and loved ones, even within the confines of their own homes against intruders.
What one person designates as "individual freedoms" never seems to have an equitable outcome.

Ask yourself---what kinds of people think arming everyone is a good idea, and then ask yourself, why?
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I'd love to laugh at the sarcasm here, but I know it's not :hmm:
Said by the guy against war.....:im:
I fail to see the correlation between owning a gun for self defense and war.
How exactly do guns factor into primitivism?
We don't live in a primitivist world yet, people have guns that's the reality, we can't just rely on the system to protect us.
How about an equal right to health care, food, housing--or should those people put there free guns to work?
Those too.
Who is to determine what constitutes "self defense"?
You want guns to available to everyone, yet it's a been a fact that only certain types of people can get away with killing people under the guise of 'self defense', even shooting unarmed people in their back while running away. Other types are given lengthy jail sentences, or shot themselves, while genuinely protecting themselves and loved ones, even within the confines of their own homes against intruders.
What one person designates as "individual freedoms" never seems to have an equitable outcome.

Ask yourself---what kinds of people think arming everyone is a good idea, and then ask yourself, why?
I never said I would arm every one, I would simply make it free for the people who where already able to get guns to do so.
I never said I would arm every one, I would simply make it free for the people who where already able to get guns to do so.
You avoid the question of who would be entitled to be armed, what, where, and who would do the training.
What would constitute "self defense"?

In the American justice system is already divided into groups where one is teflon coated with privilege, while others get felonies for selling small bits of weed, or other insignificant infractions. The privileged are known for being let off the hook with more harmful crimes, along with the ability to kill with impunity. They would be the ones given guns under your idea
You avoid the question of who would be entitled to be armed,
Everyone who is already allowed to be armed.
what, where, and who would do the training.
It would just be a firearms safety instructor taking a person on the gun range and showing them how to safely handle a gun.
What would constitute "self defense"?
If a person uses their gun because their life is threatened then it's self defense.
In the American justice system is already divided into groups where one is teflon coated with privilege, while others get felonies for selling small bits of weed, or other insignificant infractions. The privileged are known for being let off the hook with more harmful crimes, along with the ability to kill with impunity. They would be the ones given guns under your idea
And we should fix this before we look into the free gun idea, I don't think we should give people free guns right away, there are other problems that need solving first, (I would never advocate for any idea that increases government spending before someone pays off the 20,000,000,000,000 dollars in debt!) It's just something to look at in the future.
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The full cost of gun related violence is incalculable. Lives lost and trauma gained is a horrendous price that over 300 people pay every day in the United States when they are either killed or wounded by guns, not to mention the toll on their families, friends, and loved ones. Beyond that, gun violence costs money too — and a lot of it. Cities bear the financial burden of emergency services and other immediate costs, treatment of gun wounds, and physical and mental long term care for the scars we can and cannot see, just to name a few. On average, "taxpayers, survivors, families, employers, and communities'' pay "$280 billion" every year in the United States in the aftermath of gun violence.

But after a horrific mass shooting that took a total of 10 lives, the city of San Jose just took unprecedented action to move this financial responsibility from cities to gun owners themselves. Their city council voted to require people who want to own guns to pay for liability insurance to cover the cost of injury or loss in case their weapons are used for violence, as they so often are. Gun owners will also be charged a tax on the firearms they possess — that tax will go directly to funding emergency services for incidents of gun violence.

Petition your city to tax firearms.
There have been at least 10 genocides before guns were invented.
There have been at least 30 genocides after guns were invented.

Not so irrefutable.
In 1938 Germany established gun control, and killed 17 million people, in 1911 Turkey established gun control, and one and a half Armenians were murdered, in 1929 soviet Russia established gun control, 20 million people died, in 1935 China established gun control, 20 million people died, in 1964 Guatemala established gun control, 100,000 Mayan where rounded up and killed, Uganda established gun control in 1970, 300,000 Christians where killed, Cambodia established gun control in 1956, 1million people died, Rwanda established gun control in 1979 800,000 people died.

We don't live in a fantasy world where you can just ban guns and have a nonviolent utopia, criminal will always have guns, unless you want to establish an Orwellian regime of total control (Which I would rather be shot than live in) there will always be a black market that people can use to buy guns, I don't trust the government to protect me from these criminals especially when history shows that governments just capitalize on our defenselessness and use there guns to harm us.
correlation does not imply causation

The classic example of correlation not equaling causation can be found with ice cream and -- murder. That is, the rates of violent crime and murder have been known to jump when ice cream sales do. But, presumably, buying ice cream doesn't turn you into a killer (unless they're out of your favorite kind?).

correlation does not imply causation

The classic example of correlation not equaling causation can be found with ice cream and -- murder. That is, the rates of violent crime and murder have been known to jump when ice cream sales do. But, presumably, buying ice cream doesn't turn you into a killer (unless they're out of your favorite kind?).

In this case it's obvious, if a government is going to do something bad they want to have as little resistance as possible, a good way to achieve that is to disarm the population.
Spoiled Americans don't know how good they've got it.
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Stalin was a terrible, bad dude, but he was no fascist.
I never really grasped the difference. but I think Fascists approved of Stalin. labeling him slavic fascism or red fascism.
Almost any type of government or economy can be run by fascists.
"If states can now shield their laws from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives, then California will use that authority to protect people's lives, where Texas used it to put women in harm's way," Newsom said in a statement released by his office at 7 p.m. on Saturday.

Ha! Is this some kind of legislature Ju-jitsu? what's good for the goose is good for the gander? maybe even a shot across the Supreme Court's bow: you really want to support state's rights over the constitution?
I never really grasped the difference. but I think Fascists approved of Stalin. labeling him slavic fascism or red fascism.
Almost any type of government or economy can be run by fascists.

The USSR was pretty much the opposite of a fascist state. This chart below puts the key differences in better perspective than I would be able to explain in a brief post.

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