Happy World Vegan Day!


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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
  1. Other

Happy World Vegan Day to all fellow vegans!

The Vegan Society, established in England, created World Vegan Day in 1994 to commemorate its 50th anniversary and celebrate the formal addition of the word 'vegan' to English. The date, November 1, was selected to avoid overlap with Halloween and the Mexican Day of the Dead

A sad day for all vegans as our thoughts go to the billions of animals that have been slaughtered all over the globe:


In the summer of 2023, we came across a blog post stating that the number of land animals “used and killed” annually around the globe in 2020 was 92.2 billion. This was significantly higher than our past tally of approximately 73 billion — so significant that we felt compelled to do some digging to better understand the gap.