.... actually , my birthday is next month so that brings me up to 104
...New Zealand , we call it 'Down Under'
' ....Very good , (some are vegetarian anyway) both relations and friends they are very careful with what they serve me
' ...You are so lucky to have a veggie restaurant so close . Have you ever taken your relatives along to the restaurant, for a birthday celebration or whatever . I have done that and they look around and say "oh they are people just normal like me "
Do you cook at home ....maybe you could prepare a veggie dish for everyone once a week (with some ingredients that they like) and see how that works out .
In the beginning if someone asked why don't i eat meat , I just use to say "because I don't like meat " . That use to keep them quite .
Over time , i just developed calm respectful honest replies and if someone doesn't like it ...its their problem , not mine .